Mole Bowls, Chops, Poppers, Mokes, Dirty Bowls….

This is the story about the time I did a bunch of mole bowls over the summer and why I don’t do them anymore. ā–»Support Meā—… …


  1. I had my first seizure ever from just hitting my vape after staying up for like 24 hours straight and drank 2 monsters, thatā€™s how I found out I had epilepsy, in front of my whole family at my cousins grad party. Never touched nic after.

  2. But you gotta remember a mole isnā€™t tabbakee itā€™s taking a weed hit and then a vape hit man itā€™s golden Ik you donā€™t get it but itā€™s like the vape takes away a lot of the irritation in ur throat when you are coughing it out Yk and it give a fruity flavor

  3. Story time me and my buddy bout whipped a guy's butt for trying to add tobacco to our weed and like mix it in all our bud needlessly to be saying he didn't also i just love a good snapper bowl boys can't beat them

  4. Smoking dirty bowls helped me cut way back on the amount of tobacco I was consuming. Instead of a whole cigarette I'd have a quick bowl. Definitely don't recommend it to non tobacco users.

  5. I agree, its a bad habit. Where I really dig it though is to mix up decent hash to burn properly in a bowl or in a spliff and it makes the tobacco taste a lot better. They should sell cigarettes with hash flavor. I'd buy them.

  6. I know some nasty motherfuckers that smoke tobacco and weed OUT OF A GRAVITY BONG and the taste is so fucking unholy and nasty bruh who the fuck thought that was a good idea

  7. One time I got addicted to mixing tobacco with my bowls and I never consumed tobacco really on my own before or since.

    I only have blunts at a party. Iā€™ve taken a nicotine pouch once but immediately spat it out

    Tbh I do like how nicotine feels but only without a tolerance, so I very very seldom do it.

  8. As far as it being dangerous it comes from taking a huge amount of nicotine which isnā€™t really meant to be inhaled in general but youā€™re supposed to take little hits over a prolonged period of time for it to be ā€œsaferā€ instead of getting a concentrated amount in one big hit

  9. never knew anyone in real life who mixes tobacco with their weed with the exception of blunts. mixing tobacco with your weed is stupid. i also heard tobacco lessens your high.

  10. I've been told a bunch that nicotine somehow affects the potency of your high, either through some pseudoscience about nicotine making the absorption of THC in your lungs more efficient, or just the old adage of mixing depressants and stimulants, but I don't think there is any credibility to that in this case. In my experience, smoking a cigarette or a cigar while smoking bowls of just weed never gave me a better high, if anything I would feel less high.

    I've never done dirty bowls or spliffs, but I do remember back when headshops would be super anal about calling their pipes, bongs, and how websites had to claim that their pieces were for tobacco only; the idea always made me gag. Before I quit smoking tobacco I was never really a habitual smoker; I liked the taste and some aspects of the head rush, at least when paired with alcohol, but one thing I understood is that nicotine is a stimulant, and if you have a tightly packed cigarette or a cigar, that shit is meant to be sipped on and enjoyed slowly. Chugging your smokes and burning through bowls of tobacco like you're taking bong rips is like drinking multiple 16 oz. coffees in one go. That shit will give you the shakes and make you puke, and even if you can handle it and enjoy the massive rush from all that nicotine, there's no way burning through all that dry ass tobacco in one go is going to taste good. Cigars are meant to be slowly burned through in oily wrappers, and shisha is soaked in honey, molasses and fruit so burning coals vaporize the tobacco slowly. Bongs just burn plant matter way too quickly, they aren't meant for tobacco in the way that a traditional pipe can be used for weed.

  11. Not to mention, your doing a very large amount of damage to your lungs as unfiltered tobacco is significantly worse, although theyā€™re both bad. Donā€™t mix weed with tob the weed just loses its flavour as well I find. Happy smoking!

  12. People like tabacco like thatā€™s it. I donā€™t smoke it but people like it. Itā€™s the same shit when people say ā€œEw gross why do you smoke weedā€ I like it.

  13. In the UK a bacci and weed bong is called a shotti and it is because we have almost only acrylic and it doesnā€™t go in a bowl just the Down pipe

  14. im from the netherlands but never smoke tobacco but recently i was like why not ill try it and i smoked a joint with like 50% tobacco and i started puking for 3 hours and could barely walk and i felt absolutely miserable

  15. I only smoke tobacco with my joints to stretch my consumption out, I could pick up an eighth and smoke it in 1-2days if I'm smoking pure, but if I add tobacco to my joints I don't use as much weed or do 50/50 (70/30 on weekends.) my main reason is tabacoo is cheaper then weed and I can get it off anyone on the street in the UK lol and the weed I smoke is decently strong and I like to keep my tollerence low, so I can get higher on special accessions or weekends. I do want to switch to pure but atm I don't have the money for it.

  16. As someone that smokes batch(what we call tabbacie when you mix it in the bowl) just donā€™t if you donā€™t have to, I canā€™t smoke straight weed vary well I cough until Iā€™m spitting out blood, the tabbacco just smooths it out a little bit Iā€™m putting in roughly 25% of a huge trex bowl(pack 1.5) and the rest weed so idk to me there is only one reason to and thatā€™s to smooth out a harsh weed, medically Iā€™d say never do it my homie collapsed a lung so idk inform yourself before you try anything šŸ‘Œ

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