A Tale of Two Drugs; THC & GABApentin. Dr. Ian Mitchell: 2019 CannSolve Summit – Cannabinoids & Pain

A Tale of Two Drugs; THC & GABApentin. Dr. Ian Mitchell: 2019 CannSolve Summit – Cannabinoids & Pain Video by Mastermind …


  1. They made money off of gabapentin and they dont have control of cannabis. They dont make dime off of cannabis now, . and any can grow cannabis

  2. I took this over a span of 14 every day for three years at 100 mg winged off took 3 year to over come side effects from such nerve blockers it was 800 mg in beginning take as needed for restless leg syndrome I love natural healing by itself and fasting and reset or reborn processing to reverse damages caused by drugs alcohol and controlled substance of medicine chemotherapy radiation medicine chemical medicine

  3. Gabapentin made me want to kill myself. Use it carefully. My withdrawal was horrid, too. Full on shakes, night sweats, nightmares. It did help with nerve pain.

  4. I'm convinced that gabapentin literally does nothing. Had an Rx for an injury years ago. Never felt effects and stopped cold turkey. Still no change. The opiates I was also given took the edge off until I finally had surgery to correct the damage. That withdrawal sucked, but I was so happy to have my brain back that I didn't care.

    Honestly, that experience has me questioning everything about "modern medicine".

  5. At one point about 10 yrs ago my Dr had me on 2000mg gabapentin daily. I stopped taking it when I woke up while driving one day and I wasn't even drowsy. I decided better to die from the pain of neuropathy than kill me and another through a car wreck. I have been using Delta 9 cookies in conjunction with spinal stimulator, oxycodone and Lyrica. Most days are tolerable. All this from H1N1 flu in 2009.

  6. Gabapentin is handed out like candy here in NY since opioids came under scrutiny. It doesn't help my arthritis/degenerative disc disease pain much, but because it's not restricted it's prescribed to shut up patients with pain problems. I have pounds of the stuff.

  7. I can take Gaba Pentin for my Sciatica. I Smoked alot of Marijuana when I was younger. I do not like it now I don't like how it makes me feel what it does to my mind. Each to thier own though all of my friends Smoke it my parents did till the day they died. I don't Care feel whatever works for someone should be available to them without having to argue with Medical Professionals.

  8. Not you or any other DR, is going to tell me that Tramadol won't work for neuropathic pain.
    I have tried it all the last 20 some years for my feet & lower legs & Tramadol works for me PERIOD!

  9. I used Gabapentent for fibromyalgia andarthritis. It made me crazy and a different person. Cannabis is good for me.
    But if I remove high fructose corn syrup, sugar, msg, etc and try to eat natural foods, a lot of that problem is removed.

  10. I take gabapentin for neuropathy. Today I went to empty some leftover chopped lettuce into the garbage can. I missed! Lettuce all over the floor. Gabapentin makes me clumsy.

  11. Been through many surgeries over last 10 years and learned alot from the garbage some are giving their patients.Always look at the side effects from vaxes and medicine.Some medicine that is cheap and helps they don't want you on.They will tell you it will kill you and even call you a addict for taking medicine the doctors put you on in the first place.Yep I'm salty and all will have to answer one day.Doctors listen to your patients not politicians.💪😇🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  12. After a month on GABApentin for peripheral neuropathy, I gave it up in hope that my mental fogginess would clear up and it did! As soon as I got off Gp, I stopped being so forgetful and regained control over my legs, which had begun to speed up when walking, causing me to having to grab hold of something in order to stop!

  13. My wife has been taking gabapentin for Sphincter of Oddi (SOD) spasms for over ten years. It is a Godsend. She can't take opiods for pain because they actually set off her SOD. She has been receiving chemo for NHL for nearly six months, and has a severely enlarged spleen due to the NHL. Gabapentin is the only thing she can take for the pain.

    We used to smoke weed in our younger days, and I've tried it again now that I'm retired. Neither one of us care for it now, and in my case, it causes my heart to race and makes me feel like I might die.

  14. This video is very informative and I appreciate the accuracy and honesty of the breakdown for both. I've smoked cannabis for over 15 years and I know it helps with a lot of things including pain, with no withdrawals or dependency (maybe mental dependency). I've been taking gabapentin for 5 months for anxiety/alcohol dependency and a torn ACL and it does help a lot with anxiety and cravings for booze but only a 20% decrease of pain. I'm a phlebotomist and cant smoke weed anymore so gabapentin is the only thing I have to help me with anxiety and preventing a relapse to alcohol. However I'm considering getting off of it and trying to live my life without it and see how I do. I've noticed the only side effects for me with Gabapentin are occasional tiredness/fatigue at high doses and skin rash that goes away with hydrocortisone cream, however I know that it makes a lot of people feel extremely tired and disoriented and "strange".

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