1. In this episode, we discuss:

    0:02:30 – Erinโ€™s background in preventive cardiology

    0:05:15 – Recent trends in cardiovascular disease in women, mortality data, & how it compares to cancer

    0:13:15 – Why early preventative measures are critical for CVD risk

    0:19:45 – ApoB as a causal agent of CVD, & why high apoB levels are not being aggressively treated

    0:27:00 – The rising trend of metabolic syndrome & other factors contributing to the regression in progress of reducing cardiac events

    0:33:30 – GLP-1 agonistsโ€”Promising drugs for diabetes & obesity

    0:37:15 – Female-specific risk factors for ASCVD

    0:47:00 – Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): prevalence, etiology, & impact on metabolic health, lipids & fertility

    0:52:30 – The effect of grand multiparity (having 5+ children) on cardiovascular disease risk for women

    0:55:00 – The impact of oral contraceptives on cardiovascular disease risk

    0:58:45 – The effect of pregnancy on lipids & other metabolic parameters

    1:02:00 – The undertreatment of women with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) & how it increases lifetime risk of ASCVD

    1:09:45 – How concerns around statins have contributed to undertreatment, & whether women should stop statins during pregnancy

    1:16:00 – How Erin approaches the prescription of statins to patients

    1:21:15 – PCSK9 inhibitors & other non-statin drugs

    1:28:30 – Advice for the low- and high-risk individual

    1:31:00 – The impact of nutrition, stress, & lifestyle on lipids & CVD risk

    1:41:15 – Lp(a) as a risk enhancer for cardiovascular disease

    1:50:30 – The effect of menopause on cardiovascular disease risk

    1:55:30 – How Erin approaches decisions regarding hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for her patients

    2:03:30 – The urgent need for more data on womenโ€™s health

    2:09:45 – Erinโ€™s goal of running a marathon in every state

  2. Iโ€™ve been fasting for some time, I normally do 16-18hr fast and one day 24-36hr fast two days no fast. I had pre diabetes level blood glucose and was the reason for fasting. Ive lost weight and have a normal weight level, I had my first blood test the other day, my sugar levels were normal (yeah) but my vit D was low and even worse my cholesterol was so high the doctor told me to double my statins ๐Ÿ˜ข why is my cholesterol so high from fasting? I did the test after a long fast, Iโ€™m wondering if it skewed the results and I should have stuck with the standard 8-12hr before a fasting blood test. Iโ€™m Now searching for answers because everyone says fasting lowers cholesterol but it doesnโ€™t seem to have in my case ๐Ÿ˜ข.

  3. Anyone who continues to push statins is not worth my time. Peddling life destroying substances that have shown no demonstrable benefit for women – EVER ANYWHERE – in any independent non-pharma sponsored studies is so shameful.

  4. Still no mention of plant-based diets. Still no mention of dropping the steak the moment you touch it. Are you ever going to speak the real prevention, Peter? Or, will you still be killing your patients?

  5. Remarkably, one-quarter of the centenarians had high Lp(a) serum levels even though they never suffered from atherosclerosis-related diseases. 1998 G. Baggio.

  6. The Lp(a) levels were inversely correlated with the CIMT in this population, suggesting that subjects with a low Lp(a) level may have a predisposition to carotid atherosclerosis. This finding was preliminary and should be investigated further in larger studies and in additional settings. 2012 article CIMT thickness in asymptomatic subject with low Lp(a).

  7. Thank you for this podcast, Dr Attia. In case youโ€™re monitoring these comments, Iโ€™d like to suggest an interview/podcast with Dr Howard N. Hodis, MD, who is an expert in womenโ€™s heart health and HRT! I think he would be able to go into more detail and answer some of the questions you were not getting answers to (regarding estrogen and ASCVD) in this podcast.
    Dr Howard Hodis is professor of medicine/cardiology at USC Keck school of medicine in Los Angeles. He has published extensively with a major focus and special interest in womenโ€™s health. He and colleagues have conducted two of the earliest RCTs of hormone therapy and atherosclerosis intervention, the results of which contributed to formation of the menopausal hormone therapy timing hypothesis.
    Thank you for your interest in womenโ€™s health, Dr Attia! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  8. Totally out of character for a Peter Attia podcast.
    Seemed more like a pharmaceutical advertisement for statins.
    Additionally, Attia never stepped in when she was referencing HRT studies he himself has questioned in multiple prior podcasts as poorly designed with dubious results.

    As a fanboy of great science and those that can intelligently interpret it – this was disappointing.

  9. Attia: Take statins! There are no side effects. Even though there is no mortality benefit. And only a 1 percent decrease in events. And muscle wasting, congestive heart failure, T2D, cognitive decline, destruction of CoQ10 are all made up. Increase in Lp(a) which is a serious heart disease risk (unlike Lp(a)) doesn't matter because I found a way to manipulate the data. Besides, Dayspring says to take statins even though he doesn't do so, and could not run a mile if his life depended on it.

  10. Osteoarthritis can severely limit a person's mobility and subsequent cardiovascular heath. It seems that there has been little changes in treatment or prevention for so long. I would like to see insight into any new research in this area. I feel like it's a death sentence.

  11. What I have written is not to criticize the vaccine etc…. there is no ideal Lufthansa uniform, as an example to some it suits other must fix the shape of their body. But I am not also exaggerating what I was told in the past months. As it is at an early age insulin resistance is also showing up by children etc. smart people might fix it with them in a natural way. In many cases it works, I have a colleague who is diabetic and through interval fasting she does not need insulin, but an adequate diet, etc. Last week I listened to Biden's speech on Pharma, mentioning insulin and it is a dumping price for families with children to afford it. It starts as you pit your daughter in a camp having no smart phone. All this can work if smart people like this lady or you tell others how. Thank you.

  12. Does it bother anyone else when she talks about, in effect, luring statin-reluctant women to take them by giving them one that sounds lower in dose, thereby getting better โ€œbuy-inโ€?

  13. Ok, your podcasts are top, nearly higher than my mind( vocabulary) is at some moments reaching. I mix it up, I am the one with the focus on vaccination. I have a colleague going right away into menopause after vaccination, another getting her period suddenly twice a month. I gained some knowledge past months, I still stick to vaccination, even though I feel healthy now, I was badly sick and this has happened right away being vaccinated and it went for months. A doctor and my friends lied 4 and half months a comma after a second bioNtech vaccine, a son a my another friend was shortly after being vaccinated dead with 40 before that having no health issues, and and and….. I am at the airport and I know stories from bleeding out of ears, a young passenger lying in a hospital with a sudden heart operation( all shortly after a vaccine), passenger falling down death, me myself seeing and dealing with 5 sick passengers within a short time, my colleagues also, it repeats itself. I understand the insulin resistance( as a doctor explained to me using an insulin, of course it depends), Lufthansa flies with medical services on board. See I might get killed eventually, but no one will fool me. Thank you. I know I walk away from the topics, but in fact not too far. My English is not good enough, but I think you get the sense. THANK YOU.

  14. The absolute risk reduction of using statins on all cause mortality has been shown to be very small. Why is it that this highly educated and prestigious cardiologist is still recommending aggressive statin use to lower LDL when there is little to no benefit to doing so?

  15. About 31:30. I am constantly disappointed by experts. She correctly Identifies highly processed food as a contributor to obesity. She Fails when identifying its dangerous components as SATURATED FAT and additives. HPF is not full of saturated fat. It is full of high o6 PUFA, LA. Also full of refined sugar/grains. There is your metabolic disfunction, guaranteed by the food supplyโ€ฆ but fortunately we have pills comming on to treat it.

  16. 18:6; 20:4 Intermittent Faster and 24plus hrs once or twice a month (did Extended Fasting before Type 2 reversed & HBP normalized once a week). HDL went over 90, Triglycerides under 70 but Total Cholesterol & LDL- over 309 & 200 respectively. I'm not concerned.

  17. My heart health regime is Carnivore and exercise. I do sardines in AM and ๐Ÿฅฉ about 10. I run 4 miles then do 4 -6 more steps/ day. I do upper body resistance. No prescription. 80 years. I donโ€™t do fruits/ vegetables everโ€ฆ Never smoked. I sub everyday retired teacher. I do Fast 72 hrs/ week. I do not have the ring of cholesterol around my eye that is common in cohorts my age so my optometrist reports. A Lark awaken happyโ€ฆ.. Family male stroke or heart attack late 80s females stroke late 90s if no smoking then heart.

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