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  1. I follow you're video before making my batch of RSO Oil every 6months – wife has pancreatic cancer and it helps to ease the pain caused from her chemo. Chemo side effects are HORRIBLE ! Also I been using 99% alcohol I found online, it works great. I use it daily to help with my aches/pains at 68yrs. old I been smoking bud since I was 14yrs. old in the 60's & I much rather take a few rice grain size bits of RSO oil & you make it possible, that smoke messes w/my lungs.

  2. I can watch this every morning b/c you make rso w/ love ❤❤❤. I love cooking and I love marking rso w/ u on YouTube. My seizures have stopped!!!! God bless you!!! I just put some in my coffee😂 👍🙏

  3. You answered all my questions. Thank you. My biggest worry is leaving so much behind because the tiniest amount is gold
    On the spatula, pan, everywhere it touches.

    How do you know if every single drop of the alcohol has been removed. And do you know if there is any alcohol, even the tiniest bit, Would it be concentrated? Or does it boil off evenly. I hope that makes sense

  4. I’ve been making my own Rick Simpson oil for 10 years. I’ve given it to some friends with cancer, most survived I know of one that did not. I find Rick Simpson oil to be very helpful.

  5. ive been using 99.9% iso which is really easy for me to get locally… and thinking about switching to 100% Ethanol. which is much harder for me to get and much more expensive… i hear it doesnt pull terps as fast but i like the thought of using an "editable" solvent. i also have an option for more money to go with an "organic ethanol" however i have not decided on that one yet. i want to make both RSO and tincture.

  6. I've got a jar that still smells like it has iso in I'm worried about heating the jar to much would just leaving the lid off the jar in a dark place for a week or so remove this smell without heating

  7. In 1974 researchers at the Medical College of Virginia, who had been funded by the National Institute of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, instead they found THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice–ling and breast cancer, and a virus–induced leukemia. The DEA quickly shut down the Virginia study and all further cannabis/tumor research.

  8. Could you make a video with recipes to use with the leftover oil? Also how long is each batch of oil good for? Any kind of expiration date?

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