1. I am almost 70 years old and with older age I’ve been having severe sleep problems. I’ve been sleeping fewer than 5 hours a night. I usually toss and turn for 3-4 hours a night. I recently started taking CBD oil before bed and it has taken me less than ten minutes to go to sleep almost every single night for the past month! This has never happened to me even once in my life that I can recall. I sleep most of the night and I feel as though I have a new life. I feel refreshed in the morning. Not groggy. I take CBD from hemp oil, not marijuana. Hemp contains only trace amounts of THC and I like the fact that I don’t get a stoned or spacey feeling from this. I started taking it in oil form and developed severe nausea, perhaps because of the added oil. I’m now taking 10 mg in pill form and am experiencing no problems with that. I plan to talk to my doctor about possible side effects and see if she recommends a liver test and what other advice she might have.

  2. Pfffft.. 😶 Chocolate is a Drug, so is caffeine, kava, Camomile Tea… let's treat it the same.
    It's harmed nobody ever on its own.
    Give me a break "Study" is rubbish, we've used it without problems for 6 thousand years.
    Stop babying everybody.. all these people with one life and one brain designed to benefit and enjoys certain compounds have to face death… and we can't just get stoned and contemplate our short existence?
    The World Is Adolf Hitler, The Police are His stormtroopers.
    Stop treating us as Slaves with no minds of our own.

  3. The entire plant of cannabis has medicinal value. THC is part of the plant. I have chronic pain and have tried cbd. While cbd is helpful, it pales in comparison to the effects of real cannabis. Would you take out the sugar from a fruit because sugar can make you fat? NO!! The sugars are the food.

  4. I like you as a doctor. I have had a lot of questions on the CBD as there is not much evidence out there and has not been tested. I know about marijuana as I am an older lady that has dabbled in it for years as it helps you if you have a stomach problem. Today, I will not mess with it till night time or if I am having a stomach ache, which is very rare. I have a prescription for the medical m. but it gets you so high I will not smoke it during the day. I like to keep going, not sit around all screwed up. But the kids these days like to just smoke it every 5 minutes and another side effect is that you don't want to do a darn thing. I am more into Holistic Medicine than pharmacutical. Thank you for these videos. God Bless.

  5. i've been a medical marijuana patient for 2 years now and i'm happy to report that i haven't turned into a reggae fan. (also, i'm scheduled for ketamine treatment for untreatable depression because it's worked in the past. wish me luck !)

  6. Herein lies the problem with legalizing weed: you can sit and get completely drunk and you will be the only one affected. Smoke weed and everyone near you gets a second hand high ( including children). I used to have neighbors who had pot parties in their yard most weekends, they did try to cover it up by having a bonfire,but I could smell it and feel the affects if I were in my yard (I recognized it because I have past). There were plenty of kids in the neighborhood who played outside.

  7. I’m followed by five Roman senators who think I’m Caesar and it’s always the ides of March after a spinal crush injury. Cannabis (indicas especially), taken legally as an edible, does wonders for the spasms and initial stabbing… which really hurts because someone gave them lightsaber daggers…

  8. I don't know about anyone else. But I start taking full spectrum cbd oil about 2 months ago for severe osteoarthritis in my knees and right hip. They are bone on bone and have been for a few years now. I'm only 54 and have been in constant pain for about 2 years. Within a week my pain decreased by at least 50%. I was taking 660 mg of Naproxen twice a day and now only take 440 mg twice a day. Sometimes I even forget to take the naproxen because pain just isn't bad enough to remind me. And I also have the bonus that it helps me sleep. I used to have to take Diphenydramine 50 mg to ensure a good nights sleep. Not anymore. So as long as it keeps working I will continue to take it and sing ita praises. But I do realize that it doesn't work the same for everyone.

  9. I was on the fence about you until this video. The first one I saw was on chronic pain, but I didn’t get to watch the whole thing so I withheld judgment until now. The one thing that helps me most is illegal. I could probably get completely off these opioids that I hate if I could legally use pot, or at least get away with it, but I gotta take those pee test. I’ve got a screwed up back. Injections don’t work for me. Any suggestions? And don’t ask that Doc Vader guy. I’m pretty sure I’ve been to him.

  10. CBD oil for me was of no help for my RA, RA pain, anxiety for not getting proper opioid pain medication and management of the chronic pain. Nothing for me. ☹️ What I don't get is pushing people with chronic pain onto this or MMJ to tighten up further on opioid scripts? More suffering for chronic pain persons. One controlled substance to another? A gateway drug that is, as you pointed out, experiencing a sea change in how it is regarded. This sea change is being driven IMO to further control the opioid scripts. I think patients whose lives have been devastated by the CDC "guidelines" on opioid usage should file a class action suit against them. It's only getting worse out here for those of us who had lives and jobs and controlled pain prior to the "guidelines" and are now … Well, it's hell. No life, no job, no controlled pain. So sorry.

  11. Zdogg, when are you going to stop regurgitating the same info we all already have googled, and think like a scientist? Think how do these studies relate? How can we infer information that OTHER people havent put into study form yet?—because you aint about to! All you do is look this up on google and then act like you know it all. Then when non-Gods like the majority of us look up this info and try to inform our drs—they complain that we think we are google docs.
    Your show is all google-doc info. Hypocrite.

  12. What do u guy think about use this for some who has crohn and arthritis and cant use anti-inflammatory pain killers or have because of narcotics because disabilities

  13. After having brain surgery for brain cancer, and being on opioids, which really messed me up inpatient, I use this MEDICATION, which is what it should be referred to as, because it is a medicine, first over everything else. When used appropriately, it can be an effective pain medication. This medicine, although extremely expensive, is also extremely effective.

  14. Marijuana doesn't make the doctor's money…. This "man" makes no money from marijuana… Hence the reason he produced this video! Rebellion!!!! Easy as that!!! Easy peasy as my kids like to say! And I got some healthy kids cuz I birthed them at home!!!? So they can yell at the top of their lungs easy-peasy!!!! Human beings weren't born with a doctor attached their ass! So detached this man from your ass!

  15. It helps a little with my neuropathy pain, but it works very well to promote sleep, in my case. Doesn't help my other chronic pain. Thanks for the info about the liver. I'll ask for those tests. I'm talking about CBD oil, no THC. I'm one of those that hallucinates with THC. And I hate a lot that there are not more recent studies I can read.

  16. Thanks for this. I have a acquaintance that just opened a medical marijuana shop and is going to 12 step programs talking people into how it's the cure all to all of their problems including drug addiction.

  17. Well I can speak and give some anecdotal evidence. Cbd has been a much better route for my anxiety then any SSRI or anti anxiolytic. It’s not a cure all but has helped me tremendously. It’s a major tool in overcoming anxiety and depression. Stay away from thc if you have anxiety and can worsen and turn into something more!

  18. Dr. ZDogg,
    See that amazing, handsome and incredibly smart little boy in my profile pic? That's my 11 year old son. He was diagnosed with ADHD soon after he turned 5. The Pediatrician group he has gone to since his 4lb.7oz. little premie body entered into this mad world has never been anything but professional, informative and so incredibly caring and patient with both my son and me. It has been over 20 years since I, "inhaled", and while the, "devils salad", made be very anxious and uncomfortable, it still hasn't stopped from doing mass research on the benefits of CBD oil for kids (and adults) who suffer with ADHD. Like I said my son has been medicated for ADHD since he was 5. It started with low dose drugs and has gradually gotten higher and higher throughout the years. I feel like I am doping my baby up on speed. While I know Methyphenidate and other Amphetamines share some of the same chemical compounds, one is a phenythylamine and the other is a piperidine. I should also mention that because of his ADHD he is on Clonodine as well. His dosage of that has also climbed the charts throughout the years. Because it is a medicine for hypertension, it too is a scary drug that I unfortunately have to put in my little boys body just to allow him to get the proper rest he needs. Even after all these years I still get a lump in my throat when I put a pill in my son's mouth. I still check on him several times a night because the Clonodine doesn't always metabolize the same. Some nights he will be so pale and his lips will be a shade of blue, I put my hand on his chest and under his nose to make sure he is breathing. Unfortunately, if I don't give it to him he will NOT sleep. His brain is so active that he is completely incapable of putting himself to sleep. While there are so many cons to these drugs the only 2 pros are that the Concerta and Ritalin allow him to slow down enough to think through his actions and the Clonodine allows him to rest properly. I guess after all that being said, how do I go about talking to the Pediatrician about trying a CBD oil or finding a Pediatrician that is more versed in the CBD world? Something has to give, in my opinion. I can't in good faith not at least try to find a better solution to help my child.

  19. If sugar and alcohol are bad, then you SHOULDN'T legalize marijuana. Two wrongs don't make a right. You cannot use the acceptance of something bad to justify another bad thing.

    It is more logical to just cut out sweet foods and alcohol, AND ban recreational marijuana.

  20. Zdog…
    Black people need reparation from being thrown in jail for a drug that white people are now becoming billionaires off of.

    The problem with marijuana is race…
    Plain and simple.

    One time black people used it tgey were criminals.
    When white people do: they are astute business men, or they are sick!
    You don't get it, cause you are neither black nor white.

  21. I take cbd for my fibromyalgia as other medications didn’t work well for me. It has made it so I can get through a whole day with minimal pain and give the best of me to my patients. And if I don’t feel like taking it on the weekend because I’m not going anywhere there’s no withdrawal type symptoms.

  22. I am so out of touch…my first thought when reading your title was that some "crazy stuff" was happening with common bile ducts. I gotta get my head out of the OR. XD.

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