B.C. man banned from the U.S. for possession of CBD oil

With the return to pre-pandemic travel rates, Canadians are finding themselves caught in compromising situations due to differing …


  1. Bahahahahaahh Biden is supposed to be soft on crime and he’s charging Canadians with BS possession? What a joke! They (pronoun)have legalized stealing with a weapon in multiple states and this guy gets banned for CBD oil. The presidents son Hunter can sell Crack but travellers can’t bring medication? Disgusting

  2. Lock him up throw away the key 🔑!!!!!!!……… I will not tolerate any natural anti-inflammatory chemical compounds of any weight or size…. so whats the difference from the USA and Russia with the basketball 🏀 lady they got ???? Bizarre each case is very unique indeed!!!!! YOU CANT MAKE THIS STUFF UP !!!!………….

  3. Just like most countries you cant enter with prohibited items. Your lucky you didnt get arrest and charged. Why is this even news. Why doesnt CBC report on why the people on epteins list havent been investigated for C trafficing plus a lot more? Lets get some real news

  4. Request the test results from USBS. If they can't provide them to prove your CBD was over the legal limit and won't revoke your ban, sue the agency. It won't be cheap, but it will set a precedent.

  5. Hypothetically I may know a guy who maybe did something like this 20 years ago whereupon he maybe forgot there was an ounce of something in his console and he had travelled to Buffalo and back to Canada without incident but realized when he got back into Canada what he may have just done and the blood just fell from his brain and he felt incredibly stupid. He could have faced up to 15 years in prison in NY for his possible neglectfulness. Felt like his heart sank into his stomach. It maybe was the stupidest form of forgetfulness he ever may have done! He still thinks about it chillingly to this day.

  6. The USA has a zero tolerance for travellers with specific criminal histories or found to commit a crime during the passage across the border. For example, you can have a common theft charge and pass across! Have possession of stolen property? then you cannot pass. The USA calls crimes of "Moral turpitude" a reason for a rejection for entry.

  7. Americas federal cannabis laws are pathetic. Get with reality. You allow endless amounts of illegal things into your country. But you freak out over cannabis. So sad. Get with the times.

  8. yes a ban is ok, but for life? i think that's unreasonable, USA is a bit screwed up like this, they will slap their own on the wrist for armed robbery and let them walk, but this guy gets a life time ban for a bottle of oil, makes no sense. If i met this guy i'd tell him not to worry too much, a country that prides itself on arming civilians with assault rifles and holds candle light vigils after a mass shooting only to do nothing about it is not a country you want to visit……Canada > USA.

  9. You take drugs across the boarder you are a criminal. This guy thinks the rules don't apply to him. That he is above reproach. Maybe next time he will consider the laws. You bring one gram or 100 kilos you are still breaking the federal laws.

  10. Its a lifetime ban because its easier – eliminate the people that need policing. He's one of those 'defiant' type guys .. Pretty obvious if we've just seen Griner get locked up for a decade not to take anything into other countries. Stoners tend to think they have special 'impunity' and ethics that are 'righteous' & lose context of reality.

  11. This white guy is lucky he is Canadian. Imagine if this person was from other countries, and not white? It might have not only been a ban, but jail time. That's how unfair it is.

  12. I'm sorry but he is an adult, the every country has the right to decide what their laws are. Canada has the same rights to ban foreigners for life if we see fit as well. it is part of how international relationship works, you are a guest in their country. You are expected to obey their laws and if you do not want to, well don't travel there. You want to work in that country then you are expected to obey their laws, you don't want to? Then don't work there. It is all fairly simple.

    Unfortunately for him he now has to pay a lawyer to see a US judge to ask for leniency. Which is not a guarantee. I doubt this news coverage of how he complains how it isn't fair is not going to help him.

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