1. Uncle B, I've been smoking weed for more than 25 years. I didn't have any issues until I turned 40 and my sex drive was diminished and my erections went strong. I didn't wake up to an erection. Now I'm married and I know it's affecting my plumbing down there. Your informational videos have REALLY helped me. I'll try to slow down on the weed consumption so I can have stronger, better erections. Thanks Uncle B!

  2. Thank you uncle B. I hear from some of my homeboys that it helps them so this made me think about it. I’ve never used it and I think my sex is great. But do wonder if you could be better using it.

  3. Go for walks & runs in the morning, eat fruits 🍉 and vegetables 🌽, eat your spinach green & you’ll notice a difference.

    Also when you’re with a woman you really want to be with, your equipment gets harder and stays harder. When you’re happy and have few worries, your equipment stays harder

  4. I found out (through research) that when you eat weed ( not smoke) by adding to your food, it makes your erection very strong ? What's your view true?

  5. Yes, it does! I broke up with the man I used to see. He didn't want to stop so I decided to move on.
    Please stop smoking weed it ruins your self confidence, blood flow, also makes you moody. Continue if you are in an island and you don't interact with human beings….
    Honestly it's not worth the hype 😂🤣😆😂🤣😆😂🤣😆
    You'll end up alone and die alone……😂🤣😆

  6. My husband was feeling exhausted, getting older that happens ! Pharmacist said try adding free testosterone, bought him nugenix for a high price for one month supply, he didn't even notice any difference. Was searching for something else for him to try, and I came in contact with Dr. Isi site: http://ancientspiritualtemple.com and after reading many reviews and product descriptions about his herbal medicine made from natural root and herbs, I felt convinced, although I was skeptical because I already spent a lot on other drugs but I still wanted the best for me and hubby, I decided to get him Dr. Isi herbal medicine, he is on 2nd bottle and feeling better. Hubby is 47, thinks he is 24! I am mad over him. I in full support of Dr. Isi herbal products. Contact him via: http://ancientspiritualtemple.com

  7. When you smoke weed you get fucked up permanently, but according to the smokers weed is the cure for all known ills AIDS and COVID 19 including, delusional addicts will say anything to justify their habit.

  8. So my boyfriend smokes it every now n then but i noticed it makes me more sexually excited but when he does it its very hard for him to get…well hard. I was wondering if he took a blue pill with weed would it hurt him?

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