11-25-22 Friday FARcast – The Freud Fraud and 20th Century Fallout With Russ Winter

On the last Friday of each month, Russ Winter of jumps on board and on this episode of FAR, Russ unloads …


  1. Hannibal was not Black. North Africa was essentially White back then before the intermixing with the Arabs which occurred with the rise of Islam.thete is a famous bust of Hannibal from the time and he looks European. Many places we now understand not to be White were formally occupied by our Race. The last few thousand years up until the late middle ages, were one of contraction for our people, into Europe.

  2. When you were showing the metrazol therapy clip, it looked alot like reactions people have had when administered
    a certain "cure" the last 2 years. Just saying.

  3. This report about how psychiatry is a total scam based on Freud helps because we need to confront the medical system with people from it who side with us for free humanity and against a techno takeover.

  4. Great show indeed! I'm a rather new fan of your shows. First heard of you over at speak free radio with the G Man. I think your perspective on things is fascinating. If I could provide one suggestion for your future shows with Russ Winter, who I also like. Russ kept interrupting you throughout the show in mid-sentence. I wanted to here the rest of something that you were saying but Russ would jump in and that would be the end of it. For example, you were about to say more about Stew Peters and Mike Pence…each time Russ cut you off and that was the end of it.

  5. Most people aren't aware of it but they have actually brought electroshock therapy back in mental health departments at VA hospitals. I know a woman who does it voluntarily, she says it's the only thing that works to get her mind to be quiet, and after seeing her post treatment I bet she's right about her mind being quiet. She's drooling on herself and smiling and just really unaware, looks like a stroke victim being released from the hospital way too soon

  6. So glad you’re on the mend Russ. Prayers sent. We need you. That you’re well, except for some non-life-threatening GREAT annoyances ( 4 fucking months? Really?!!)
    This was a great show. I’ve learned volumes! Happy dance! My Thankx and appreciation to both you men. ❤

  7. Interesting about his dream of the bird men. If u look into the sumarian writings u find these bird men and I believe it is in the secret book of John it says that being lowered to bird form is a curse, so these angels as the Bible describes with these creatures with wings of birds flying around r actually demons or the gods of ancient times. The part of killing the father and having sex with the mother was common to these gods and represents their taking over their fathers role as a god taking all of his power and characteristics. This is what some scholars state is the situation with Noah after the flood when Ham saw his father's nakedness meaning he had sex with his mother who was his father's nakedness. Some really sick stuff!

  8. Thanks Robert for this profound discussion. 👍
    Now, wouldn't it be interesting to break-down the chart of Siggi Freud? … maybe as an additional part to this show?

  9. The Century of Self is a very good documentation. I've seen it a while ago!
    It's a really MUST WATCH for anyone who cares to grasp what type of methods have been used by THEIR MEDIUM – aka T elling lies to your V ision and ears! .. including the school-systems and how so called 'doctors' are indoctrinated within the Uni-VERS-ities! (docking 'a ship-load' after having passed through the birth-canal! … that's how they see human beings, as THINGs! – not respecting and honoring ones God-given Life at all!)
    It's all in the definition of words, people! …. Listen and watch closer how these disgusting parasites are spell-casting things upon human beings!
    They MUST be treated as the Trojans that they are! … if we want to stand a chance to survive as a human species upon this earth!
    What does anyone think 'the Spanish F lue' from the time of 1918 -1920 was also all about?
    … same measures as in 2020! – Go figure!

    Yep! … these are disgusting creatures, perverts … defying God's natural order … and look how they are again damaging the minds of our Young with the entire gender-bender-atrocities!
    They need to be made null & void! … so these entities and quacks are incapable to harm yet another life! THEY are the Psychopaths! … exerting their bull-$hit into the world"!
    Sad part is, that so called Uni-VERS-ities are still teaching based upon Freud's principals and sick psychological demeanor. …. No wonder, you cannot trust any doctor these days anymore, especially NOT since the beginning of 2020!
    Any of them 'have a price!' … and those who do not want to comply are threatened to have their practices shut-down, which puts them in a situation where they have to decide, if they themselves want to go home-less, being pushed into poverty, where they no longer could feed their families anymore, or if they are complacent as a black-mailed tool to cause harm to others ….
    It's a sick, sick sick world ! we're living in, almost not even worthy to participate any more. It's time that human beings across the entire earth RISE UP ! … and claim back their God-given life as their own, by actually acting like they own it! … not serving and acting like cattle, a donkey, or a horse that these Psychopaths and Sociopaths get to ride, you know.

    Thank you for reading … much hope and ♥ to all courageous men and woman who speak up, who RISE UP, and take a stance for true FREEDOM !

  10. excellent presentation, gentleman.
    I learned things about the field of psychology that were never mentioned when I was getting a BA in Psych.
    I may have missed it if you said it, but 'Died Suddenly' can be viewed on the Stew Peters channel on Rumble; it's one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen.
    you mentioned the movie 'Jacob's Ladder'; I re-watched it a few days ago, having seen it many years ago.
    it's a movie that has many layers and exposed some of the horrors those in the military have been subjected to.

  11. Kanye watched the century vid. He refers to created culture in some of his rants. Not that it matters to anyone here, that I heard him say he watched it. He isn’t a focus of mine, and saying that is my disclaimer. Culturally interesting to me.

    Poor humans with these mind controller freak intentions.

  12. Thank you Robert and Russ ! This was so informative!
    Russ get some Lifeway Kefir drink probiotics at the grocery store .it will help to grow the forest good bacteria back in your gut, also refrigerated sauerkraut eat and drink the juice, Bone broth heals the gut and immune system also. Love and light to your recovery!❤️
    Love this show so much Robert, give Joan and Jasper hugs !🥰

  13. Thank you Robert and Russ for sharing your amazing wisdom! Great show, very informative and fascinating. So glad you are out of the hospital Russ and on the path to recovery!

  14. It's the other way around, dear Robert.
    Psychopathy is a birth-defect. They cannot feel empathy. It's not there, because it's alien to them and they have to mimic their environment, acting as if so. This way they are hiding that they cannot relate to 'human feelings', that what is natural to an emotionally healthy human being.
    A sociopath is a high degree narcissist and they come across like a psychopath, yet they are the ones knowing that what they are doing, the way they are acting, that it's wrong, but they do it anyway. There are definitions and also a few good channels online, like for ex. Dr.Ramani, who explain this in detail. Thought I just mention this, so people get it straight.

  15. Thanks for lifting the lid on the sewer of this "science", which undoubtedly attracts perverted, cruel psychopaths.. God knows what all went on! 😢

    I never liked Freud, ugh.

    I hope you do a show on the octopus of FTX.

  16. Russ so sorry you went through MERSA. I'm currently undergoing chemotherapy and they surgically implanted a port in my chest for the chemo treatments that turned into Sepsis, one step below MERSA. I got to the ER and they surgically removed the port bedside in the ER. It was scary and I agree with RP that you were lucky to be outside the US when this happened to you. I was released early giving myself my antibiotics thru a PICC line and I had no idea what I was doing. God bless you and feel better.

  17. Thou Shalt not be aware by Alice Miller is about Freud's drive theory and the cover up of the elite molesting kids. i read it a long time ago- sounds like she had access to those journals too.

  18. The orphan trains are possibly the abandoned children of the masses who were 'committed' in 'insane asylums' (that appear to be grand and glorious castles and palaces left over from a previous civilization – millennial kingdom??), because they knew the truth and the history of a very advanced civilization that had technology which the el-ites have been trying to hide for centuries.

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