1. Can you please make a video or something talking about how to got into all of this and the tools you learned to better understand how you know all this. I’m trying to do my own research into understanding the brain and thereby understanding my own which i hope to then better myself. It would be very helpful bc i’m sure tons of your followers are also on a similar path

  2. women in stem 😍😍
    i love you so much omg i don’t have half the neurological things going on as you but of the shit i do have going on, you’ve like solved.
    i wish you all the happiness in the world and i wish the world was ready for you ❤

  3. Psychedelic’s definitely have potential to deal with mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression, I would like to try them again but it’s just so hard to source here

  4. Nicotine can actually act as a psychedelic or hallucinogen if it’s insufflated (snorted), or at least that’s what Michael Pollan’s Netflix series would lead me to believe.

  5. Fexofenadine made me so anxious! The dopamine connection makes sense. Also I'm so glad to see you on YouTube. You make such thoughtful and funny content – IG wasn't big enough for you! And even tho I have read about the Default Mode Network many times, your description was the best! Also what CBD brand do you take?

  6. This is fascinating, thank you. I had to stop taking CBD this year because it started causing LSD flashbacks and panic attacks that lasted days/recurred for weeks and I'm still not sure why. I think it did have to do with possible amounts of THC not properly extracted, but this makes me think there could be a deeper level to it? I think it's incredible what these drugs are capable of doing as medicines, but it is a two way gate. Periods of both remission and relapse of psychiatric illness for me has been followed by use of these substances. I wish I knew more about what this meant, what the differences are between these situations and how to navigate it. I don't want to give up on my mind!

  7. what an incredibly informative, wonderfully articulated, and well organized video. keep doing what you're doing, it's god's work 🖤

    p.s – your skin is absolutely ethereal. any chance of a skincare video someday?

  8. i literally cried because i’ve never heard certain niche parts of my existence explained. i’m writing some things down to explain to my therapist. thank you for this❤️

  9. I have PMDD and I think it's absolutely not a coincidence that I have been drawn to all of these substances. I would instinctively take DXM during or before the luteal phase, and I did that for years. I've also found that psilocybin and ketamine help a lot as well.

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