Find out the dangers of Delta-8 THC & why you need to stop taking it immediately. Doctor Jack Ep 72

Thank you for checking out this video! You are awesome! I am Doctor Jack, a board-certified anesthesiologist & pain management …


  1. Misleading title and info Jack! Delta 8 is most likely safe, if you get it from an established company! You never stressed that. There are so many hemp companies that have their products 3rd party tested. Many people get relief from D8. The ONLY problem is tainted products being sold by independent sellers. Trusted companies all have 3rd party lab tests. These are crucial points for an actual insightful video.

  2. Is Delta 8 different from Delta 8 THC? Many times these names seem to be used differently from one sentence to another sentence. If a bottle is labeled as Delta 8, is it different than Delta 8 THC?
    I have found that 0.25ml in the evening helps take the edge off pain and improves sleep(?), but I feel tired/fog brain most of the next day.

  3. Could you go through explaining how the chemical reaction/process of creating delta 8 differs from the chemical process of creating CBD or CBD isolate? Just for clarity on what makes CBD safe and what makes delta 8 not safe?

  4. Man I went into my local smoke shop to buy a cbd pre roll to keep me from smoking regular weed because I wanted to stay sober and they didn’t have any but the guy offered me another pre roll and I didn’t ask if it was cbd or not I just took it and I realized it was delta 8 & I got way too high & fried it shouldn’t be legal

  5. Thank you so much for the clarification. I’d heard a lot about these two “supplements” and this valuable information will keep me away from both!
    Muchas gracias!!👍🏼

  6. The place I get Delta 8 from (not for myself) says their Delta 8 Oil (or tincture) Is: "Safe and clean hemp oil using CO2 extraction, 100% all-natural ingredients, Organic & non-GMO, No additives, no preservatives, no artificial flavorings or colors and is 3 party (CannaSafe) lab tested.


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