Brittney Freed.. Peru Coupster/US Coupster Similar… Ca. Offshore Wind War… – 12/08/22

Support the show: Brittney is free…Inside the deal The men behind attempts at Peru and …


  1. On one hand glad Brittany Griner is released – but she got out due to her high profile – but what about the thousands of “nobody” Americans overseas who need help getting out of prison, who need vaccinations, etc – the fxxking State Department does NOTHING for these American overseas.

  2. I am still puzzled about "Girls that can't keep a address? What does that mean? Biting Kicking and spitting (plus blowing snot) sounds like your typical EE student as I had a chance to observe back in the day. Gross! Nothing like that in the Business major area. Business majors are very serious. However, if you have a background in Programming you get a lot of friends in the Business computer lab helping with homework assignments. It is all business don't you know… 🙂

  3. #EndFailedDrugWar #AbolishDEA #SavingUsToDeath
    Russia used our exported drug policy against us successfully, to get a Merchant of Death freed. Our failed drug policies have been exported across the world, effecting the most marginalized people, while doing nothing to curb, slow down or effect in any way positively, drug availability and use- a la the overdose crisis. These policies have only hurt people, and turned the justice system into a for profit endeavor, enriching law enforcement agencies across our country and the world. END IT!

  4. Mark, for U.S. citizens imprisoned overseas we can only expect our government make sure the prisoners are treated fairly and humanely. We can’t expect them to bring everybody back. If we did, the bad will always ignore the foreign laws.

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