1. What he means is; "You can't legalize weed, non-violent drug offenders provide all of our state's slave free labor! You expect us to pay people, or make cops do actual work instead of just assaulting and harassing minorities?"

  2. Due to gerrymandering, this idiot's district has a little tail that extends into north Austin. He's suppose to represent Austin. He's suppose to represent me. And he's coming out hard anti-weed? F'n cockwomble.

  3. In the begining I was paranoid it would be corporate controlled by big ag or big pharma and not allow home gardeners. It is thankfully not playing out that way in many places. BUT SLAVERY? I don't even understand the logic here.

  4. Considering that Black and Brown people are more likely to have their lives turned upside down from weed being illegal, Sessions's "legal weed=slavery" argument is particularly disgusting.

  5. Fossil fuels are being advocated by people who are in it to make money. Slavery made money, also… as do politicians…Fossil fuels, slavery, and politicians should be outlawed due to blatant profit incentive.

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