Terpenes, Cholesterol, Cannabinoids and Medicinal Cannabis

Please fell FREE to take a look at these links: “Mara Gordon: Practical applications of cannabinoids and terpenes” …


  1. I've been following you for years and really would like to work with you about my diet/nutrition. Everything you say matches my mindset on food and health. Do you have a website?

  2. Let's examine the Far-right leader Giorgia Meloni's argument about the migrant community from a historical perspective. African societies realized that it was inhumane for the Roman Empire (e.g. Cesar) to invade the northern part of the continent and plunder our economies by taking gold, silver, diamonds and human beings (e.g., human trafficking). The European Union has an obligation to right these wrongs.

    The same thing applies to how European government's ransacked indigenous black and brown societies throughout America and South America.

  3. Let's examine the Far-right leader Giorgia Meloni's argument about the migrant community from a historical perspective. African societies realized that it was inhumane for the Roman Empire (e.g. Cesar) to invade the northern part of the continent and plunder our economies by taking gold, silver, diamonds and human beings (e.g., human trafficking). The European Union has an obligation to right these wrongs.

    The same argument applies to what European and American societies did throughout America and South America.

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