About Cannabis & Cancer (2019) | Treating Illness With Marijuana: Does It Work? | Only Human

An inspiring examination of the folk who use and defend treating cancer and other illnesses with Cannabis. Only Human …


  1. Thank you for this amazing informative video!! New to all of this, but learning so much! Almost 51 years old and ready to start feeling good and to get off most of my medications and feel life like I should 😊

  2. This gave me some hope. I have autism and i get opioids on prescription. But unfortunately i live in Sweden and there is no chance to you can get this on prescription here, our government is so against thc that they will never ever give you this chance, sadly.

  3. There's a difference between using cannabis for health and cannabis for teens exploring being casual. I'm so glad the topic seems to be more open and talked about. The drug was labeled a bad drug with crazy stereotypes… When people just want one more good day like me fighting for my life.

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