What does Ryan Lampers do at 49 to stay healthy and in shape? That is what this podcast is all about. I ask Ryan what he does to …


  1. Thanks, again fellas, as a 43-year-old father of a 4-year-old boy, information like this is crucial in allowing for me to spend as many quality hours as possible in the woods with him. If possible, can you detail the shake routine that is used in the mornings.

  2. Iā€™ve been waiting on this episode. Iā€™ve ran marathons, Iā€™ve done Ironman races, and it has all gone the same way. A all or nothing, wide open training season that left no time for anything else (even hunting) then a off season crash that ended with me being out of shape and overweight. My fitness goals have changed to a more balanced lifestyle that I can maintain all year long. Thanks for this! Now I just need to find the episode that lays out Brianā€™s training plan.

  3. This was actually one of my favourite episodes, Iā€™m in awe of how in shape you guys are and itā€™s cool because you both have a more down to earth approach to it. Love it when gritty is dropping vids šŸ‘

  4. Good info. One tip. If you eat later at night. Try fish and salad (ruffage). The fish is much better/easier for your body to digest. I notice a big difference in eating fish vs chicken/red meat in the same caloric/protein amount.

    Also, what is the brand of the glucosamine that you are using? My joints are in need of help too!

  5. As I've gotten older (42) I've really worked on finding a healthy sleep schedule. But, as a fellow creative, I feel what Brian is saying here- sometimes you just have to finish the creative process before you can disengage. I find that I sleep better after finishing a project (for me, writing/recording music) than if I'd forced myself to abandon an idea just to keep my normal bedtime routine. The expelling of creative energy is almost as necessary as the expelling of physical energy for me in order to stay healthy in mind and body. Great insights here, guys, as always. Lots of motivation to keep moving even though it's cold.

  6. I'm 49 myself and I did something I've never done in the past, I cut out any alcohol this year. I cant believe how much better I feel and how well I recover. Just packed a bull out two days ago, one of the loads was 100+ pounds through deep snow. Years past I would have had some definite joint aches from that same trip. Thanks for sharing and ill have to try some of the supplements, never used much of them in the past.

  7. Great information here gents. I am right at 10 years younger than you guys but with multiple injuries and multiple reconstructive surgeries my body feels the rough miles. I have fallen into a routine very similar to Ryan's. Exercise, diet, and rest are critical. I just wish good supplements were more affordable.

  8. Itā€™s nice to hear all this good information in one place. Canā€™t wait for an episode on freeze drying. Also more information on the fruit roll ups. Would love to start making some.

  9. Oh stop it @ the 40 minute mark! Hopefully, you will look back someday and realize just how young you really are. After the better part of 30 years of applying, I finally was drawn for a Shiras moose in Colorado this year and at 77 I proved to myself that I can still solo kill moose, but I needed help packing it out. Two years ago I packed my cow elk a mile uphill to camp, but as you know, moose are BIG, even the Lower 48 ones. Love your videos; we mature guys need motivation and advice too.

  10. You guys really have inspired me over the years of watching and listening to you, to getting back in shape and start doing more out of state hunts. Keeps up the amazing work guys.

  11. At 51 I've never been in better condition.. I totally changed my diet to high fat/high protein ( Elk and New Mexico free- grassed beef and absolutely cutting all processed sugars) training daily at 7k ft. and above elevation.. it's definitely a mindset to want to continually improve both in hunting and in life. . Keep doing well and Thank You!

  12. Love the content of Gritty Pcast.
    Iā€™d like to get a daily supplement regimen together. 59 now and still trying to stay in shape for the hunts. Any list would be great.
    Stay Gritty!

  13. This always on my mind this time of year so i enjoyed hearing what you all do. I have fought ulcerative colitis for 13 years and the shake that i have done the best with is called ā€œcarnivore complete ā€œ.

  14. Older I get the more I love concept 2 rower. It can kick my butt or I can get a general cardio workout. It has been a huge improvement on my time for working out. Eating cleaner is the start to improvement. Thanks for sharing; awesome information. I highly recommend getting a rower in your exercise routine the older you get. šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ˜ƒ

  15. Great topic, nothing earth shattering but reinforces lessons learned. Definitely intrigued about freeze drying and meal prep.
    Bummer about the freezer debacle and Pedroā€™s bear hide.

  16. Thanks for your perspective on the topic. I call it ā€œperformance on demand.ā€ Trying to build a routine that creates habits to remain durable regardless of the conditions. Finding that healthy combo of diet, adequate exercise, and time management is not an easy endeavor. Good conversation!

  17. Absolutely love the videos where you dig into Ryanā€™s brain! Iā€™ve watched every video that you have ever done. I just turned 29 and have grown up in the Midwest tree stand hunting. I started a roofing company 3 years ago and have finally started experiencing the financial freedom that comes after hard work. This was my first year being able to take a month off to hunt. You guys inspired me to head west. I was able to take my first bull elk and Mule deer on back country solo hunts! Basically all of my gear came from your gear dump videos so you are definitely earning your sponsorā€™s business! Keep up the inspiring work guys I love watching! I pray Iā€™m in the shape you guys are in when my hair starts turning grey!

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