1. 1:14:00 Omg I try to resist shtting up your comments, but JDubbs is so fking stupid. He shouldn't be watching things above his paygrade. Edit: I haven't seen the show, but I read the book and it leans heavily on Ayn Rand's stuff. Derivative, but better than most stuff these days, and sure, betraying for what you'd expect the Hollywood elites to make? Not if you expect them to make money. My favorite color is green too.

  2. Seeing what's come out for Twitter/fbi stuf..this is terrifying.. 80 agents assigned to Twitter and deciding who gets taken off …they had Twitter shadow ban people who spread MEMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!…JOKES FOR GOD SAKES.. how is ANYONE ok with this..? It's like NORTH KOREA . THEY CANT JOKE ABOUT THEIR DEAR LEADER either

  3. As non religious, left handed person forced into a right handed world who was also forced by my religious (former Amish) parents to not use my left hand in front of family (so I'm ambidextrous but not by choice), who now needs a joint replacement in my right shoulder but I'm too young for the surgery, so I basically can't use my right arm….. I'm offended by the term "left hand path"

  4. What's von does not tell you Christians are the original atheist The Romans would call christians atheist because they did not believe in their gods That's where the original term for atheism came from

  5. I hate to be on Rev's side for anything but technically he is right when he calls a pizza a Pie at around 2:41:13, the original Italian immigrants called the pizza a pie since it had a crust, was round, and was cut into triangles much like a traditional pie, nowadays though it has gone with that usage, but some places still have that determination since it is round like a pie, yes I googled that shit

  6. Von, you are not a Truther, you're an Opinion Spewer. These are not facts or truth – merely your personal opinions. You cannot say Trump, for example, will never re-enter the WH. That's your opinion, you don't know the future. And btw, it kinda screws with your credibility, if you ever had any, when you belch like a swamp beast into the mic. Yer disgustin'!!

  7. The trolls ruined Von's life for the lolz?!?lol?!?!😆
    It absolutely had nothing to do with Von's actions or inaction! Absolutely not! It's those g.d. internet troll "accosting" him & JCups online!🤣🤣🤣 (I didn't know it was even possible to accost someone online!)
    👉🧑‍💻👈 (<–accosted)

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