Healing Project OC | Treating Dog Cancer with Cannabis & CBD Oil – What We Discovered

Healing Dog & Canine Cancer with Cannabis & CBD Oil — we explain what we’ve found over the last 10 years of healing dogs …


  1. Hi dear humans. My dog has cancer. We did surgery and the tumour was back like a small ball on side of the chest. I am looking for something to help her heal. I am using Chaga mushroom drops and some holistic supplements. Can you please advise me on how I can use cannabis oil as I am in Serbia Belgrade at the moment visiting my family. Thank you so much🙏🙏🙏❤

  2. Hey my 1 year lab got diagnosed with MMM recently and his vet described him 1mg/kg a day of personsalone it’s been 15 days there is very minor improvement and the vet is stopping the treatment by saying it won’t work Because it’s already been 15 days , I don’t know how to help my poor baby anymore , I’m living in an area where no vet knows about the disease itself , can you help me how to reach you guys , I wanna save my baby 😭

  3. Your video really put my mind at Rest my parents dog Coco has the rectum cancer would any cannabis oil with a high CBD content be good for dogs or do you have to get specific types of CBD oil

  4. Thank you for all your help with our Bud and Piper. This video does a great job of explaining and showing the possible protocols that might be used. So THANKFUL for you both and all the hard work and caring you put into the job.

  5. Great Video. And thank you for all of your help with our dog Ellie. Thank you for being available via text when I've had questions or concerns. Such a relief to know I have you guys to turn to when bumps in the road show up. Ellie is doing well and moving towards the full protocol. The vet predicted 3 to 6 months of life, she is almost to 7 months and going strong. Quality of life is good, she is one happy doggo.

  6. Thank you so much Jesse and Isabel for giving us a much healthier option to fight my baby Ollie’s cancer! I feel good knowing that while she is going through this fight she is happy, active and feeling good – not sick or killing any healthy cells as with other treatments. Her quality of life is super important and I am seeing that she is still living her best life!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for being here for all of us fighting cancer and for putting your heart and souls into so many people and animals you have never met. You guys are truly angels here on earth ❤️

  7. Have a lot of love for both of you – THANK YOU SO MUCH for healing my little girl, today was her birthday after being on your protocols for the last 9 months, and we are so grateful! Thank you Jesse & Isabel, I am so grateful that we found you!

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