Cannabusiness: The World's Most Lucrative Cash Crop? | ENDEVR Documentary

Marijuana Business: The World’s Most Lucrative Cash Crop? | ENDEVR Documentary Welcome to the country of Cannabusiness: …


  1. And yet if you want to have a couple of plants for personal use, you will still go to jail because you haven't bribed the govt by paying exorbitant fees for permits to grow something that is free. No thanks. These pricks are the Walmart or Amazon of weed & will ruin it for everybody except themselves & their shareholders. Just say no…

  2. I wonder why so many kids now a days are having all these major problems what has changed in the last 10 or 15 years that all these kids have had done in their life could it be something that has went from a few to over 30 this was not like this in the 80s or 90s!💉

  3. Lucrative? Yes, ask the former Ontario Canada police chief who for 30 years made it his agenda to bust cannabis folks then in an act of betrayal and hypocrisy is now Ontario's largest cannabis distribution owner, now that it's "legal".theres such a huge hidden story in That! "lucrative" situation..

  4. 5148 yeah the plan is for me to get all of you to not help me so that they can say it's my fault so they can get away with doing nothing that's why they'd always say it makes you lazy and all this songs I think it's a beautiful garden good job guys and gals we just can't have kids used as leverage in court it's not good for any generation

  5. 5056 yeah well us talking makes it them those standing that's how the plugs work with the defense Ally because of the filibuster thing so yeah we didn't want that and I'm trying to explain it and tell people can understand that's the worst because they know what they're doing and they just do it because they're humans that's why they'd always tell you criminals just don't care I'm like look at them though they're still repeating the we didn't know we were stuck obstructing justice but you aren't so thanks for the discussion opening because coercion was illegal the whole time they were covering up rape from the Bible days because of studying Medical Care

  6. 4949 yeah it's hostages for ransom why didn't all the presidents realize that and how could anyone sleep at night is what I was wondering when you're just having that situation and then everyone's like well you don't realize it till you're older that's why and I was like yeah that's why I was appreciating other longer-term positions at because everyone would say the president is just a figurehead and then you're finding all the head shrinkers and going oh no this can't be good

  7. 4747 yes it increases neuroplasticity so how they would always say the dumbing down of America it was get raped pay go to jail or die make a false confession or we're taking your children and then everyone else is reading what the perpetrators said instead of what they were doing to me and then if I try to tell you it's deformation and slander on me which is a scam on my disabled brother and I have to prevent that above all costs according to my position that's what's been making me so sad they've used my whole family as leverage and how many times has the government done that and then Donna cover up because they don't even understand that it's your family gets used and doesn't know it

  8. 4628 they only said that to cover up the slave trade I'm trying to tell you it's triangulation from marriage and divorce it's just it was hidden in all the religions to divert the money and then that kick back on politics which made everyone said what are you talking about the government and me saying we are the government because we have to protect the planet and to do that we have to protect each other

  9. 4353 yeah I was like you're not supposed to be double text and then I was realizing hey it's quadruple text because they're blaming every other country not just every other state

  10. 4158 yep I figured out that that was why they would always say you have to have a lawyer that's licensed in your state because state taxes and federal taxes were different and I'm like no they're both here on my land dude

  11. 4141 yeah all those people just sitting there ransomed and then you're going oh man this isn't good and you're trying to explain it and then looking like the one doing it it's the worst

  12. 4036 so we have a whole stock piles of fugitives and then whole stock piles of guns so all of our states have been ransoming each other this whole time and then saying oh it's the Senate or the next guy or the next guy or the next guy but it's the same he's the father so he had a right to do it to you and the kids you he had marriage papers

  13. 4036 did you know it's a criminal offense to Harbor fugitives and that's what you have in prison and that that's what you guys all got labeled when you got handed to me as prisoners of War we were stuck on martial law every time we spoke so my kids are like well I can't talk to you because that's how we invented the wheel

  14. 4004 everyone in prison do you know the only thing they can offer you for comfort and support is drugs that are addictive and records that cause everyone else to get paid for telling you it's your fault we raped you and your kids and took your identity and money

  15. 4946 how many things can you think would you rather in our jurisdictions of governance and maintenance for anything? Why? Because as far as I can tell you can make the most healthy merchandise while taking the pollution from the air and soil to make organic Surplus of every biofuel that is necessary to modern society whereas the other Road seems like a regression that we aren't even supposed to mention and I was like okay well then we shouldn't be paying for it let alone getting told we're imagining it

  16. 3858 exactly because I was like you can't just keep going around in circles with the same discussion we have a new option that can reverse climate change we should because that was always our job to protect the nation being Every Nation So when you say Department of Homeland Security you can everyone else's too automatically because they need to know anything that you need to know to protect yourself like a recipe for stopping cholera and dysentery and malaria and homelessness and starvation and the rest of the we can't find care because we ate all the money with guns

  17. Trump did absolutely nothing for the marijuana market. He said what he thought people wanted to hear. That is why he was so popular, he sounded like he was one of them, for which ever group he was currently recruiting. He is a snake oil salesman. He cares about one thing. Donald Trump.
    The Pharmaceutical lobbyists are the ones driving the legislation. Corporate Lawyer-Lobbyists and not Congress or Senate, write the majority of all laws and bills that our puppet politicians bicker over and sign off on. As long as there is a profit to be gained, campaign donations are made and they don't have to put in any personal sacrifices or risks, our elected "leaders", will comply.

  18. 3757 yep because we were all looking at each other like well what am I going to do for my country especially after they already manipulate your kids and Witnesses or you can't just have an app that fixes your identity theft issue on that one

  19. 3606 correct and even if you didn't know you have a defender on both the inside and outside of your country so having that whole thing where we couldn't get anything straightened out was sad so good job discussing everything guys it's just so weird to hear it from both sides of Republicans and Democrats whatever that was in the division of power it was really weird I don't know how many uncoerced people we used to have

  20. 3323 yeah seriously they were using my brother that is deaf and in a wheelchair as defense because they thought it was so funny to pretend they couldn't hear me because of cannabis it's so mean because it's discrimination both ways

  21. 3056 yeah definitely different situations call for different amounts and depending on the person and the level of support staff available that's why I was making the new facility too because that's our primary concern is assessing how the medication is working for you because any medication could cause an allergic reaction for one person and work great for another

  22. 2732 exactly if something works well for a patient and it isn't even an addictive substance with the least amount of side effects you should go with that some of the seizure medications crystallize in your veins and destroy your liver very quickly and your kidneys you need to drink extra water all the time and then you have to have clean water to drink and that was my major protest is people were dying of starvation homeless without clean water while someone set in prison or with a bunch of guns saying can't hear you

  23. 2551 yeah you were a setting Goose outside of the country as CIA and you just hoped that your cronies didn't tip you off as FBI because it was all riding on clout for the president

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