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  1. Feel free to share as much as you can in this allergic series. As someone else in an elimination diet I apriciate it greatly to get new inspiration ^^
    The green pea noodle soup was a revalation to me!!!

  2. Great video thank you for the share. I’m curious have you ever tried this with almond milk. I’ve been considering trying to make an almond milk tofu that is not “almond Tofu/jelly“ let me know what your thoughts are on that I’m real curious. You have great channel. I’ve gotten a lot of great ideas on howto veganize stuff

  3. Wow this is amazing! I love that it's allergy-friendly 🙂 Good luck with your elimination diet! I hope you can figure out what's triggering your symptoms

  4. I've tried the commercial hemp tofu–it's made with hulled seeds, I think–and it was OK. Like Burmese tofu, it's its own thing and not really a replacement for soy tofu. I don't think I'd wan to go on if I couldn't have soy products, so you have my respect and sympathy for doing this exclusion diet thing! I think I'd try this to make a cultured soft cheese, or like a cheat fast misozuke. Thanks for posting!

  5. Some prick gave me hemp seeds I thought it was weed seeds that look the same buy bigger and the plants look the same but leaves are bigger ☹️ but after 5 months looks like weed 😡 but you can’t smoke it 🤮 makes you sick 😰

  6. Looks great, couple of questions. If using the left over seeds, can they be used like okara and remade into something. Also what my you use for a conversion factor from solid Nigari to liquid. I only buy the liquid. Thanks. Hope you find the allergy that is causing problems.

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