Today: What’s Working for Patients

Americans for Safe Access and countless other advocates have, through their dedication and courage, created a system of …

1 Comment

  1. Does your "legal" mari-caca differ from mine where only 3 genetic groups are actually available years later?

    #1) THC-centric, except improved to tighten the "fidelizing" grip on vulnerable individuals who may never get initiated but through systemic dose abuse, as the typical "joint" begs to be finished unless it was for free…

    #2) and #3) So-called « balanced » 1:1 or even Full-CBD which both surfaced relatively recently just in denial of the buzz anyway…

    M'well, try this. Try not visit a state MONOPOLY more often than once every 2 months while strictly observing transportation and packaging restrictions and yet attempt to get 2THC:1CBD at a health-wise price – not to mention the taxes…

    I have and the penalty is close to a 50% surcharge. YMMV.

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