Come Hang Out With My Sassy Husky!

Live stream with my dogs and cats! #livestream #siberianhusky #chihuahua #cat #porterandpolly.


  1. You have just given the best explanation of opening your home and heart to a new family member after losing one. On another note, and please forgive me if I am too intrusive, perhaps EMDR might help your PTSD?

  2. I love your videos! Getting to see and hear you and your sweet dogs playing and laughing makes me happy 😃
    Your conversation is easy and comfortable to listen to and your pets are the cutest ❤Appreciate the time you and your wife put into these videos

  3. My Cindy passed 33 years ago, and I still get weepy. She raised me. I just learned to carry the hurt better. I have been in hospital for a year now. I've got some PTSD due to dealing with unspeakable pain from terrible leg ulcers that won't heal. I haven't been able to walk for a year. I'm on antidepressants, and the occasional Ativan.
    I send kisses to the dog tribe and the cat tribe.

  4. All your pets are so much fun to watch. Poor Mae with car sickness! I have one dog who is the same way, cannot take him for any extended (more than 5 minutes) drive – even w/meds…. nope, his breathing gets all funky, have to pull over, and let the poor guy "turn green" so no road trips to a park….

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