Medicinal Cannabis 10/17/18

MGMC Physician Grand Rounds, 10/17/18 Jen Ebbert, MD, Department of Internal Medicine Mayo Clinic.


  1. Cannabis is not 1 size fits all. For example, it didn't work for my epilepsy as it does for many, but it has worked for my fnd, and ptsd and sleep issues that come with it. So it works for my pseudo seizures but not other seizures, my concentration is better and when I was so depressed I couldn't even do my homework using sativa helped me get homework done and my grades actually went up. Also my pain management for my head is stable with it. I have such bad headaches I scream into pillows from my DBS and cannabis helps. I had to use opioids once it hurt so bad but I control it with this instead.

  2. Okay Ive watched 20 mins and he keeps referring to the cannabis as if its one uniform drug. He should be explaining that its a complex plant that has many strains with different levels of THC's and CBD's and terpines and its these combinations and levels that are important.

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