1. Issue warning. Rubber bullets are a waste of everyone's time. Police should carry ball. The petty drug runners arn't the problem leave them alone and investigate who is behind it.

  2. This cops are lying they are protecting each other
    Everything this citizens are fighting for is True this guys don’t even care they just protecting their jobs
    Mxm South Africa

  3. This police man you can fill even his voice that he drink beer and smoke lots I'm sho he is taking lots of bribes to from this dealers too corrupt cops that's why the country is becoming thrush like this coz even residents also don't have love to their visitors the country is going to it's knees now they are busy accusing foreigners close all ur boarders you won't find foreigners then you will find out what will happen were in this world do you find country with no foreigners

  4. This lady (the reporter) is asking leading questions… You can't get the truth if you prompt a response from the person you're interviewing. Isn't this journalism 101?

  5. Black Lives Matter and it doesn't matter less because you're a foreigner. We need to speak up against police brutality and hold our government accountable for open borders.

  6. > All those who panic and run when the police come are mostly ILLEGAL in the country and they are worried that police could check their legal status.
    > And all those rushing to talk to police and ask stupid questions are diverting the attention from their shops to because they also deal in drugs.
    > The media must step back and let police do their work. You cam work while people are running after you and making noice.

  7. This same journalist gave airtime to someone who threatened the police with death revenge attack, tonight. She didn't in any way explain to the person the consequences of making such threats.
    It is blatant irresponsibility on her part to entertain such dangerous behaviour as if it was normal.

  8. I'm staying at moboneg I know this corner there's a lot of foreign drug dealers, one day I saw the police officers collecting money from the drug dealer that is driving red polo from Tanzania

  9. Those police must be arrested for killing. SAP, have killed alot of people through that, especially forigners. Secondly, the jonanist that said he swollen drugs, where you there. The only greatest problem jonanist have is their lieing lips. They always enjoy covering truth.

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