Hemp Concrete Walls (R30 + Fireproof) – You Won't Believe How They Built This House!

Check this out, Hemp construction! Hemp has been used in various forms of construction dating back to the Romans, in bridges, …


  1. The beginning of your spill on this product is very unexceptable. This product is not what you call in any manner part of mariquana. It's been around for centuries please do not equate this to the dispensary industry.

  2. Since they aren't structural I doubt many people would want them. They now have lego hempcrete blocks that can be structural so it might make it more viable. However since you can't have hempcrete at ground level makes it a concern as a long term product in wet environments.

  3. Since it’s not structural, how is lateral bracing addressed in California for code required earthquake bracing? The usual California house has shearwalls out of structural plywood or OSB. That sheathing would cut the monolithic “pour”. Then it’s only fancy insulation right?

    I’d be concerned about packing porous material directly around wood in the humid climate here on the Northern California coast where it rains 75” a year with high humidity.

  4. September 1941 Henry Ford had a Ford body made from Hemp and flax stronger than steel. See Popular Mechanics December 1941. Also made fuel from this also

  5. "The binder absorbs CO2 out of the air!" Yeah, just gonna gloss over the fact that you have to burn a crapload of fossil fuels to remove that same CO2 from the limestone to make cement in the first place? The carbon capture of the hemp itself is good, and the insulation is great, but everything else is greenwashing BS.

  6. If government REALLY and honesty cared about the environment, like they claim they do while blaming "us", not them, us, for polluting and killing the earth, they would actually make hemp a bigger industry than wood. I would assume the need for wood would be "cut down" near half if not more. Where I live we have beautiful forest, but government allow the cutting down of large sections of forest along our highways for crying out loud, instead of keeping the scenery pretty along our long highways, they cut down all along them, showing us large sections of destroyed forest while we're driving.

  7. Wat do you do with the the hemp Crete once it's outdated or needs to be recycled? Have they figured out how to recycle? I've been trying to figure out if it's a good product? I like the idea I don't want my blood living in a world covered in old shit houses that can't be recycled or burnt. Have been trying to find information? Bit like having beach covered in syringes, microwaves, fridges, dishwashers & aircraft carriers. Rusting corroding polluting.

  8. Can I live inside a home while I hempcrete the walls? And do I need to wait 6-8weeks for it to dry before adding another layer? Or can I cast a full exterior wall while the bottom layers are still in their "drying" phase?

  9. Its only taken 100 years to go back to a product the gov and its cronies considered evil and the propaganda associated to its cousin saw a really solid tree saving, oil saving, natural/green resource banned. Money talks and thats the only thing gov's worldwide listen to.

  10. They are using hydrated lime with hemp stalk, cool idea, but I don't like the obscure "binding agent" that they keep referring to… It's just hydrated lime just say it.

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