Hemp conversion to graphene and diamond. Smart carbon capture?

Hemp has been celebrated and vilified in equal measure over the centuries. It has fantastic properties for textiles and ropes, but it …


  1. Am I to understand that the pyrolysis products that power the generator power not only the pyrolysis process but all the light and irrigation processes in the facility as well? The hope here is that the required supplemental energy from fossil fuels isn’t completely offsetting the carbon capture process to the point it’s actually adding more CO2 to the atmosphere… Have you or anyone else looked into those calculations? Cool idea, and obviously if energy were abundant and clean this would be a no brainer I think!

  2. You should be aware of Hibiscus Cannabinus, these materials allow you entry into actually sustainable material without restrictions and smoke and mirrors. Hemp people literally hold this other plant back, to the detriment of all

    Hemp to date is quantifiably environmentally destructive. The conversation you put out is representative of these fails, you don't understand the realm in which you speak.

    Now I'm force to issue press releases about it all, and grab controls and restitutions… follow me or continued the fail

  3. Sounds more like a plan to build massive infrastructures on marginal Florida sinking real estate to the Green Investmwent industry rather than actually solving a environmental problem.

    Unfortunately, the location choice for vertical hydroponic farms in southwest Florida welcomes being wiped out by tornadoes and hurricanes.

  4. In my many years of research into useful general uses of hemp, I had access to an old piece of information online that I remember dating back to the 1960s that accused the cotton industry of merely promoting the bad stigma attached to hemp in order to promote their own products to crowd the world fiber market for clothing. Several things had already been developed by this time, including plastics made from hemp derivatives. So some apparently concluded that the agribusiness and chemical industries influenced on politicians to create this big bad picture about hemp for more economic reasons than any real concern for the community, among other reasons. Well, it could have been a different kind of conspiracy theory, but many of those theories have often enough ultimately turned out to be closer to the truth than one would have liked to believe.

    And aside from the various environmental and clothing benefits, the production of graphene is surely another important aspect when calculating "return on investment" for entrepreneurs, one of the most important measuring points before they decide to "burn money".

  5. This is so much BS from the energy use. By the end of all of this you’ve used a gazillion kWh of energy that comes from…..coal and natural gas, thereby negating any benefit.

  6. Who the fuck cares? I like the science behind all this and I'm a pothead. But with only 35% of people caring about this Earth it is inevitable that this earth will turn into a shithole that aliens won't want to visit.

  7. So I am one of those that have always opposed the legalization of Marijuana and I live in a state here in the US where it was recently passed for recreational use. I also live in an area where since that legalization several companies have started growing facilities for this industry. With that said I really found this video very enlightening and educational, I knew that Marijuana/Hemp had many uses other than as a drug. But now I can start to understand why some refer to it as a super plant, as it really has far more uses than I ever thought it did. I think these concepts could actually be used along side the the medical and recreational Marijuana industry to give something back to those of us that cringe at the thought of fields of drugs being grown just down the street etc.. Combine that with the thought of it providing more good jobs for an area and it seems like a win win?? Especially considering the Graphene production and the idea of Graphene for solid state batteries and how needed it is for the future electrification of our world and suddenly this seems like a no brainer!

  8. I forgot to add one factor, phytoplankton is dead, because the ocean is too saline. Not just polluted. We must stop dumping our salts in the ocean, and start desalinating at least the top two or three centimeters of the Earth's oceans.

  9. I love your stuff. I however do not believe that CO2 production is our biggest problem. Oxygen depletion is. We take a look at the oxygen levels over the last 50 to 100 years, you see the incredible decline of available free oxygen. In trend in our glaciers, we see that the O2 content, I say prediluvian, you say pre last ice age, was about 21.5%. we're down at about 17 to 16%. When we hit 14.5, we all start dying. The arguments usually supplied, is that we are at about 21.5% oxygen. My answer is yes but over 5% is locked up in CO2. That's the problem. The only way to solve that is by carbonaceous absorbers to O2 producers IE plants. The biggest loss we find is in the phytoplankton that used to live in the center of the oceans. We have lost almost all of it which used to produce 1/3 of the overall free oxygen this was the fundamental ocean life. Both in O2, and carbohydrate production.I suggest we look at this further in another of your wonderful studies. Thank you professor.

  10. How about turning co2 in oxygen and food for us. The great oxygenation event required an enormous amount co2 available in the atmosphere. So please, your smart fellow, stop pushing this co2 agenda. For those who wish to stop co2, simply stop breathing.


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