How President Hakainde Hichilema's Legalizing Street Vending In Lusaka CBD Has Brought Real Filthy

In this Short I take you to the real street of Lusaka and show you the chaos it has brought Larson Mutembu youtube channel …


  1. The outcry during the PF government was that we had no leadership…what’s the excuse now ? The story of the breakdown of law and order continues in the UPND

  2. Thanks for doing this chaotic video & for highlighting the ness that street vending has caused to Lusaka’s Cairo road area. The president promised to fix the mess which the PF government had created by legalising street vending & he & his team need to fix this problem as soon as possible before we lose more people to cholera. The president & his team should have not reversed the decision by my brother Garry Nkombo which had ordered street vendors to vacate & go into the markets. The new Simon Mwewa market looks big enough to accommodate most of those on the streets. Even the City market indeed has a lot of spaces for all vendors to be in the market & trade decently. What the council need to do is let them pay the same amount or half of the amount they’re paying while trading on the streets. We look forward to seeing you doing another video of these same streets after the vendors vacate them. Hats off to you for this video. It’s painful for the world to see but it will help bring the desired change that we’re all hoping to see.

  3. This is painful and sad. I literally want to cry. How can HH do this? He is very selfish. Very short sighted. I won't vote for him again.

  4. Authorities need to Install Trash and Recycle Bins in designated spots after ever Half a Mile where there’s a store in the CBD to avoid communicable disease like Cholera.

  5. Vendors should be done in designated areas like trading stores out of the Market away from the CBD away from the walk way.

    People stop must stop trading in front of Stores, as that obstructs and customers can’t enter the store as Vendors do not want to go to their stands.

    Authorities must take charge so that Vendors go to their stands.

  6. Local authorities need to do more for the street venders, at least provide enough bins for people to put their rubbish in and employee people go around to make sure the area is kept clean this can easily be done but too many politicians like to pretend they're doing something.

  7. The best is to create a new capital city like tanzania has done, where no carderism will not be allowed nor street vending, leave this political foolishness in this old capital city Lusaka, thats will solve this political confusion

  8. The problem with this country most formal people are becoming informal. Those that can help the country become a clean country have joined the majority who are informal. Soon they will even start street vending at East park.

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