1. Don’t bet on it…real users won’t support mso’s…mom and pop shops will get more support than mso’s from real users where as tourist and first timers will go to mso’s.

  2. but none of its organic outdoor grown cannabis, its all indoor chemially grown. nothing they ever do is good, it always has a dark agenda behind it. to make people zombies with hybridized gmo weed and profit from it.

  3. It’s not a good thing that cannabis tax revenue is higher than alcohol tax revenue. Cannabis is unfairly taxed at a much higher rate than alcohol is. It’s ridiculous.

  4. Honestly we need to stop having non smokin ass people doin this. Bro doesn't even know how to explain it. Besides margin difference. Also pretty much saying you buy from these company's or bars you have the best product.

  5. They doing everything BUT decriminalizing it. We don't want it legalized. Just decriminalize it once and for all what's the point of having one foot in the door. YOU ALLREADY IN THD DOOR!

  6. Take a great plant that most people just want to be legal so they can have a relaxed smoke and then greedy people change it to make money which will cause mental issues with people due to people changing the genetic structure of the plant. Believe me too much thc will blow your brain. And then guess what will happen a decade or so down the line?

  7. This whole thing is Bulls***!! No regular person can afford a permit to do anything,its just fkn big companys getting richer. Trash Vlower and McDonald's like MJ💩💩

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