How CBD Changed My Life | Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Extreme Stress

cbd #ad #soulcbd MYSOULCBD: ā–» (code: GAUGEGIRL for 10% off) My new book, UNLOCK YOUR …


  1. I have bad ANXIETY I can't work anymore it' sucks . Pills don't work any more I've lost count how many the Drs put me on . I've done everything I can . This is the last string for me this oil I've heard about it just in the last month . I've heard really good stories of people on CBD oils so I hope I find one that works I've heard the kind of oil called SOUL that people are on and they are having a great life now so I can't wait to try it cause now I have nothing to lose thanks .

  2. Hi Christine, Did you find the Soul CBD also helps w/ depression @ the 1500mg strength?
    Ty so much for sharing your story…we should all be brave and tell the truth.
    I'm suffering and I do not want to take pharmaceuticals.
    I would be so happy to hear from anyone who has had benefits from this product. Thank you, Thank you.

  3. Iā€™ve tried CBD and maybe it wasnā€™t strong enough but I didnā€™t feel that it worked for me. I struggle with anxiety. I wake up in the middle of the night from anxiety. What Iā€™ve done is go outside get fresh air and pray. That helps most of the time. There have been a few times that it hasnā€™t worked and Iā€™ve taken meds. I am going to try this CBD and see how it works for me. Thank you Christine and Iā€™m glad to hear that itā€™s helping you. Having anxiety is so awful! I donā€™t wish that on anyone ! ā¤ļø

  4. #giveaway hey Christine, the reason I want to try CBD is to cope with my anxiety at night. Whenever I stress I tend to over thinks way too much and tend to stay up all night. It interferes with my daily schedule as I like to stay productive and I follow a set routine to get thru the thjngs I need and the last thing I wanna do is not be able to sleep at night šŸ˜Ŗ this would not be for daily use just when I need it obviously and omg yea I use to think CBD was drug too. Smh Iā€™m very stubborn and do not like to depend on things to get things done but sometimes I need help. Lol

  5. #giveaway – I've been a longggg time follower of GaugeGirl and so glad you posted this. We are similar. I, too, have a fast-paced life. Single mom, executive at my job, and just really been struggling with figuring out how to reduce the anxiety because I really don't want it! I try to take care of myself with diet and exercise (in the fall challenge right now), but the stress from my life just…I need it to stop. So, I will be checking this out this week and will keep you posted. x0x0

  6. I seen these in one of your recent videos and looked them up. I have bad anxiety but my jobs does random drug test so have always been afraid to take the drops so I just try to manage. I stopped my other meds as they make me tired

  7. #giveaway

    Iā€™m the type of person who doesnā€™t like to go to the doctors or take pills (I barely take ibuprofen when itā€™s that time of the month). Iā€™ve always dealt with some sort of depression and insomnia my whole life and then when my grandma-the lady who alongside my mother raised me and my siblings died right in front of me I lost my purpose in life. My fiancĆ© got me a puppy to help get me moving bc I had gained so much weight. I got pregnant and after I had my son fear took over my life. I would dream I was being point blank shot at but I wouldnā€™t die. It would happen over and over again and bombs would be dropped and I kept trying to save my family and I would wake up every single time and not know if I did or not. Then my dog and his non-trained self was coming in between me and my fiancĆ© and I was so tired of arguing so I gave my pup up. A few weeks later my young SIL was killed in a car accident. I was there and strong for my fiancĆ© but felt I couldnā€™t grieve. I wasnā€™t exercising or eating properly and I finally had a break down where I finally just got my shit together. My relationship right now is suffering bc I feel Iā€™m too intense and overwhelmed but I donā€™t know how else to be! šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø Some people have suggested CBD oils but I never looked into bc I naively thought it would make me not pass a drug test. Or I would be too high bc I hate that feeling. So here I am at 1:30am looking at this video and writing this journal all to say that even though Iā€™m nervous I would like to try CBD. Nothing else has worked so why not give this a try?

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