How Cannabis (Marijuana) Affects the Brain & Body | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Dr. Andrew Huberman explains how cannabis affects the brain and body. Dr. Andrew Huberman is a tenured professor of …


  1. Through my own experience I have found that how Marijuana affects you depends on how you react to it. For example, those new or with little experience with Marijuana will most likely tend to become paranoid due to lack of experience, thus they get nervous, afraid thus beget a negative effect.
    I have found that no matter how high you are if you decide to let loose and just enjoy the high, you will have a much more pleasant experience.
    I don't smoke much I do it casually as I feel I need it, or I am completely bord, lol. Moderation is a prudent way to go just about anything.

  2. I’ve been smoking weed for 25 years now and my memory is great 👍. I have no Problems with short term and long term memory. I started smoking weed at age 19. Iam 44 years old now in the year 2023. It was 1998 when I started smoking weed at age 19.

  3. 13:17
    "I have to stay high.. all.. the time.. to keep you off my mind."
    -trauma bond of bpd person with possibly correlating memory malfunction of cluster B disordered symptoms

    (I'm on that Sativa rn 🥴)

  4. My experience with 8 brothers and sisters that smoked the weed is paranoid schizophrenia, manic depression, bi polar behavior off the charts. Two family members are permanently disabled and in group living homes declared mentally ill, the others aren't far from that end as well. Total destruction with the lives of these people and I hate the stuff but luckily for me I never touched it because I race motorcycles and no one that smoked pot ever won a race that I knew of. Beware.

  5. Also they complain about cigarette smoking, but never mentioned that car and truck pollution is pumping out 100,000 times more carbon monoxide,don't smell like cigs but is way worse, they eat by boulevard but ,don't smoke cig while eating, ha ha ha what foolish people. Hippocrates and actors Jesus says . I see it Tobe true.!!

  6. Alcohol kills 100,000 per yr USA, and all the problems and tax dollars,that comes from it. It should be illegal and pot legal,
    But our leaders like to control.
    I never had any problems with pot ,it's been very good for me,only problems is when I am out,!
    Alcohol is the most damaging thing we do. Causes,wars, assaults, family destruction,falling away from our god,car and truck accidents, hospital stays and bills for tax dollars, so much more bad it do
    So talk about that dangerously drug alcohol. Then pills , and meds the docs give to make money for drug makers.

  7. Look at pre-existing ptsd (both severity, pervasiveness, and chronicity…) and you will, I think, find a lot of predisposition to anxiety and paranoia in reaction to these substances.. The templates for those reactions have been "firing together" so often under chronic stress, they end up "wired together"… I think that's where common sense tells us to look… I don't think it will be anxiety in general but more the types of trauma ridden anxieties easily triggered under a wide variety of circumstances… If you don't have the answer yet, think about asking better more fine tunes questions… Those are my thoughts…

  8. Its crazy how the cannabis effects vary so widely from person to person, while my friend can use it to relax without a problem, for me it keeps me so alert that screws with my sleep to the point i can be awake for days if i continue smoking.

  9. (IQ and cannabis use) The number-one predicting factor for developing brains and scholastic achievement is socio-economic status. Kids from wealthy families do better in school than kids whose families have more economic strain. That's just the way it is — anyone who knows anything about the developing adolescent brain will tell you that is the case. The study that purported an average drop of IQ among their "cannabis group" did not stratify their study's sample by socio-economic status — in other words, there were more wealthy kids more apt to perform well than the kids in the cannabis group who came from families on the other side of the tracks. This "mistake" made by those researchers was exposed and published in the very same journal, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, in the very next edition.

  10. Works great and instantly for IBS and much safer than any otc meds like prevacid, and prescription drugs like doxycyclomine, etc. 1 or 2 puffs and your done for 4 hours which is usually the length of time of an IBS storm.

  11. smoked weed for 30 years now just got diagnosed with emphysema and docs found nodules in the lungs so yea not all rainbows and unicorns like pop culture and all the cool people say.

  12. The brains of the worlds powerful have brought us wars, ecological disasters, the displacement of communities and societies and death upon disaster. What were they on?

  13. I hadn’t smoked in years. And about 2 months ago one of my friends starts rolling a joint. I use to really enjoy smoking and sttill think fresh bud smells beautiful. The stuff he was rolling smelled sweet and fruity. It just smelled incredible. So after he lit up I thought what the heck it’s been 10 years since I’ve smoked……. I’ve never been so dame high in my life. I noticed an ant walking across the porch and I actually heard it walking 🤦🏾‍♂️ or thought I did. Anywho, I didn’t enjoy it, my legs didn’t want to work and I had a ton of other effects that wasn’t enjoyable. My friend seemed to enjoy it but idk what’s changed but it’s not for me anymore. 4 or 5 days later I get a surprise drug test at work and as usual it came back clear of everything. So if it stays in our system for up to 80 days how’d I pass the test?

  14. No, cannabis is NOT fast acting. No the effect does NOT last 4 hours. Being lypophylic does NOT put THC into fat cells
    Your entire presentation misses every mark – there is no getting this time back

  15. New study finds that cannabis is not a gateway drug it alcohol and cannabis is not addicted has zero side effects zero deaths zero additon stop the brainwashing tell the truth education is everything this plant will cure 100s of illnesses while pharmaceuticals hurt people this is protected by the 1st amendment of free speech

  16. That was extremely interesting, thank you.
    I've heard that Indica and Sativa are made up marketing names.
    What is the actual difference. Can someone actually tell by looking through the microscope which is which?

  17. Everyone is different I guess but Cannabis certainly does increase flow state for me, especially with boring repetitive tasks on a computer. The difference is very profound and measurable; for me. Although I get that on the next person it could be a completely different story, because the entire human understanding of how the mind and body works rounds up to zero.

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