Medical Marijuana For Anxiety | Discover Marijuana

In today’s video, Tim and Blake talk about how medical cannabis can be used to help with anxiety. Medical marijuana can be used …


  1. Funnily enough, I LOVE sativas! Even though I have bad anxiety. I took an edible and that was the only time I believe I had a panic attack using cannabis. Give me hybrids or Sativas in vape form, and I’m usually fine. Though I keep getting recommendations to use an indica.

  2. I realized that even though I like sativa being a high focus method to use when needed, it triggers my anxiety horribly. Especially if it’s in edible form. I gravitate toward hybrids or indica to tailor my anxiety attacks and I’ve realized that breathing through them along with feeling like your in a safe space helps!

  3. Got approved through CUBs for my anxiety and it’s been such an amazing experience. It’s helped me so much. Not only does it help with my anxiety, I see it helping in other areas of my life as well. For me I find the 1:1 vapes the best for me. Keeps me present with my kids, yet have the help I need to keep my anxiety at bay.

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