What MCT Oil Does When NOT in Ketosis – New Brain Study

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  1. If you take MCT with green tea, especially matcha, of course your brain will be stimulated by the caffeine. Same with taking MCT with non-decaf coffee. The problem is also that caffeine will result in somewhat higher blood pressure even though it is temporary. The question is whether you even want a temporary raise in BP.

  2. Fatty-acids, simple short chains can enter into cells much much faster than glucose can, and they provide much more energy.
    Body prioritizes glucose as energy source since it MUST manage glucose levels in the blood, so that you don't receive damage to nerves and vascular tissue.
    If you eat too much carbs, your fat metabolism ability is much less in use, thus it loses it's potential function, which is, to provide you with tons of energy.
    That is why, a guy fasting, after 24 hours of fasting can run/cycle without losing breath, compared to a guy eating carbs all the time who has to huff and puff.

  3. I’ll continue putting in my coffee and tea. Milk is the foulest tasting thing I have ever put in my mouth. I think Rocky had a relaxed brain. He couldn’t read. So he wasn’t able to do commercials. Had to go back to fighting. Watch Rocky 2 it’s in there.

  4. Yes,real studies are revealing the true chemical relation of natural fat benefits.Just look around at the people that are following the governments guidelines on nutrition.I lost 50 lbs. And have kept it off 2 years.KETO

  5. 15 grams – 1.1 Tablespoons. If you start taking this work up to that amount… it seems to be upsetting to the digestive system if too much too soon. Don't ask how I know … LOL

  6. I think what you are failing to understand is that unless you are consuming lots of sugars morning and night, your body will produce ketones while you sleep. Most people do produce small amounts of ketones while sleep. So the benefit for this group would be most likely the ketones made while sleeping when it has been severa hours without food and before the morning blood glucose spike.

  7. And do not drink tea that contains many oxalate. That might depend on the tea i suppose? The oxalates found in tea and many vegetables give you kidney stones and calcium oxalate crystals in the brains and many other organds. No tea for me!

  8. Thanks for sharing your information.
    Are you sure you didn't benefit more from the polyphenols and caffeine in green tea? As far as I know, ketones act more as mitochondrial signalers than as fuels in general. Or am I wrong?

  9. Will taking MCT oil before measuring blood ketones give a false positive? Ie I am in ketosis but expected to see a dip in my ketone levels after the meal due to maybe too much protein to fat ratio. My ketones were higher than id have expected and then I realized I had consumed MCT oils also… is a false positive ketone reading possible in this case?

  10. Whenever I go off Keto (once a month or so) I go off for like two days and when I’m ready to get back on ketosis, I drink bulletproof coffee with MCT oil and fast for 20-24hrs, almost always I am back on ketosis within a day … works every time for me 💯

  11. I have two bottles of MCT oil left. Very expensive. I'm not in keto. I don't see lots of improvement, but I notice that my weight has dropped a little without trying. I put a tablespoon in a cup of tea each day. When my supply runs out I'll evaluate.

  12. I like the an idea mct oil in a coffee…but I heard it should not be used something hot since it will not be effective then. how do you guys manage this when you put it in coffee?

  13. I’ve been drinking coffee with mct oil.. I feel like the fog just clears away and I can express myself more clearly.. it just feels briefly like I’m in a different state of being. It’s not long lasting thought. It’s almost like being high lol but different

  14. I appreciate your videos and have been thinking about keto. You are sooo full of knowledge and energy about that knowledge it's hard to get upset when you go over my head with it so keep going, I'll catch up. I enjoyed this video out of the 2 dozen I've watched because it hit on sooo many fronts in my life, I 53 a bit overweight, tired, memory, etc… so this video hit home. I'm trying to work my way to the keto way, got alot of food to go thru before I get there can't just throw it away but have cut the sweets except like a tablespoon and a half of creamer in a large cup of coffee in the morning. Anyways maybe a specific brand of mct oil you recommend would be good and keep up the good work…

  15. You guys asking questions, try it and see how you feel, if you feel good taking it, then take it..If you don't feel a difference l, then don't buy it again…We are all different.

  16. Thank you. Dr. Berg also expounded the benefits of MCT oil about a year ago. I have been taking it in the morning and and in the evening when I fast. I also keeps carbs to a minimum. I have more energy. I also try to stay present and breath deeply into my belly evenly and with control. MCT oil helps me sleep without waking up and perhaps also helps with making my skin look healthier – but that could be because I am sleeping better.

  17. Have you also tried CBD
    I use a pharmaceutical grade CBD straight form the research labs of Colorado State that's based in MCT absolutely amazing for the brain & pain. CBD also improves bone density, controls blood sugar, incredible for Alzheimer's, dementia and epilepsy and the seizures

    Helped me walk again from being paralyzed from the neck down when doctors said I would never walk again. I walked in 7 mths
    The only medicine I used was CBD and had no issues with pain. The Drs are still amazed

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