Tonic Clonic Seizure // foaming at the mouth

This is a tonic clonic seizure video. Raelynn had this seizure a couple weeks ago. While almost no seizures are easy to watch, this …


  1. I have epilepsy and I have episodes some times my worst one was where I don’t really rember it but my mom said I was shaking to fast it looked like slow motion and it’s hard to come out if one I can hear but can’t speak and my eyes are rolled up to my head it’s scary and she’s young so it’s hard for her

  2. I have grandma seizures and was looking at this for that reason. Thank you for sharing this. I do want to say that after a seizure I feel very confused and upset. Idk if this is the same with everyone. I just wanted to share that, I also get oras and try to stay relax and clean my mind and have staved them off before.

  3. had my 3rd siezure and it just happened to be the biggest so far yesterday and thankfully both last times ive had my brother with me, to take care of me, make sure im on my side and make sure im always breathing properly. i bit my tongue pretty bad this time and im just looking through these videos of this extremely tough human going through hers and its giving me alot of mental help getting through the afterpain im feeling today. Raelynn is crazy tough.

  4. Thank you for the message that we can always have hope. Amazing how Raelynn gets through her seizures and has so much that’s positive in her life. Wow, she must feel like she just ran a four minute mile, it’s just such an all-out intense level of energy expended, it feels like a relief (for Raelynn too I’m sure) to see her finally relax and close her eyes and rest. I’m sure your presence and words are a comfort to Raelynn, at whatever level of awareness she receives them.🙏💙

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