Chronic pain patients talk medical marijuana as alternative to opiates

Director of the Dent Cannabis Clinic, Dr. Laszlo Mechtler, called the latest expansion of New York’s medical marijuana program “a …


  1. I have Fibromyalgia and 2 spinal fusions. Have taken all kinds of pills, they make you feel like a zombie. Marijuana is so much better and doesn't destroy you're internal organs

  2. That's a high dose of painkillers? I was on Fentanyl patch 100 mcg and oxycodone 15 mg 4 times a day. NY wants patients off painkillers and cut mine until I decided to get off them. It's been 5 years now, and I just started MMJ last week. It's helping some, but if I want true pain relief it would cost over $1000 a month. As it is, I spent $500. They need to lower the cost.

  3. Wendy, what kind of pain do you have that 10mg hydrocodone is a ā€œpretty high amountā€?!? That wouldnā€™t touch my pain. Iā€™m glad MMJ is helping these ladies, though. Cannabis and opiates combined are the best way to treat chronic pain.

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