1. Iā€™m a correctional officer and thought about taking CBD for the stress from my job. However, Iā€™m worried about pissing hot on a drug test, I donā€™t wanna lose my job. I know it doesnā€™t contain THC but Iā€™ve heard stories. I guess it comes down to the brand. I would trust a veteran owned brand over some head shop brand for sure

  2. Marine Vet 0331/Paramedic
    The consistent anxiety can be a real challenge sometimes and honestly trying to go to bed early but taking hours to fall asleep really fucks with the following day.
    As a medic, we do get piss tested, I would never risk my career. However, are these products regulated? Is there any trace of THC?
    Seriously, Iā€™d love some feedback on this. Thank you.

  3. My tinnitus is constant, but varies in perceived volume and tone sometimes, I've noticed it gets much worse when mentally or emotionally stressed. Oddly enough, physical stress (a good heavy workout, pulling a tree stump in the yard, etc) seems to quiet it down a bit. Please keep us up to date on your experiences regarding your tinnitus and the CBD oil.

  4. I wish I could use this… I take Xanax for sleep and anxiety and Ultram for pain, which my job is cool with, but if cannabinoids pop on a drug test Iā€™m out a Federal job…

  5. Thanks for this.
    As a fellow Marine combat vet, I was diagnosed with PTSD in 2008 – the VA loaded me up with pills and I went to a really scary place. Since then, I've searched for alternative methods for controlling my anxiety – from yoga to "special" cookies. The cookies worked the best, but they're not sustainable in [current year], and as a civilian intel analyst, who knows if/when the rules will change to allow for such substance consumption without nonconsensual termination of my life-long career.

    This video has convinced me to (finally) try CBD, as it's been something I've been interested in for a long time, but was still unsure. Maybe it was the Bouncing Souls intro which never fails to put me in an indescribable emotional place.

    Thanks for the video, brother. I'll be looking to place an order, using your code, today.



  6. If you did cocaine, you wouldn't need sleep and you could put out 100 vids a week…and you could do the Tactical Games and a carbine course on the same weekend…on opposite coasts…and you could shovel my driveway…

  7. Ivan, I appreciate your honest, open and tempered presentation. While you were speaking my mind kept screaming about the differences between correlation and causation and the placebo effect as well. There are so many things that affect sleep: stress, exercise, diet, caffeine, liquor and other illnesses etc and so I can't help wonder how you are accounting for these within the mix. I also wonder how drug testing reveals CBD components: Will trace THC be present a la the poppy seed bagel (6-acetylmorphine) test?

  8. Thank you for this series Ivan, I've been interested in CBD oil for a while for the chronic pain in my hands and your informative videos are excellent!
    I was suffering from constant fatigue, mood swings and lack of focus until I went for a sleep study. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, and now with a CPAP machine, I wake up well rested and alert. So maybe something for you to check out.

  9. Youā€™re doing a great job of being objective, man. I decided to try and fix my sleep with a sleep tracker and the occasional Melatonin instead of diving into CBD. Iā€™ve noticed that even though my sleep has improved a ton just by being consistent and putting in the effort, my stress and tolerance levels havenā€™t improved as much as Iā€™d hoped. Could just be jacked up testosterone. Looking forward to more insights from you because CBD is still on the table for me.

  10. Michigan recently legalized recreational marijuana. I think itā€™s a wonderful thing. My mother stopped taking opioids and replaced them with THC and CBD for her chronic back pain. As someone who is very concerned about the opioid epidemic, I think that solutions like this are the future. Thank you for taking an objective look at a non-pharmaceutical solution for stress, sleeplessness, and other issues. I hope you inspire others to try solutions that arenā€™t narcotic.

  11. I had been on my second bottle of CBD, and ran out, I was using it at bedtime to help me sleep, and without it I havenā€™t been sleeping as well. So will be ordering more of what I have been using which is from Charlottes Web.

  12. Thanks for the update man. My better half got her Weed card here in Florida (she has a long list of neck back related issues, with a history of debilitating migraines). I am contemplating the CBD thing for my lack of energy. We shall see.

  13. Look into water soluble CBD I think itā€™s more bio available for your body to process. Iā€™m not going to pretend to understand the science or care. The proof for me was I give CBD American Shamanā€™s 350 water soluble to my dog and I can See the huge difference itā€™s made in that old guy.

    Cleared up pet cemetery eyes
    Less gunky eye boogers
    Reduced his grey hair by half
    No limping when he plays with other dogs or my kid really rough.

    I wish that I could take the stuff but I work for the gov and Iā€™m subject to urinalysis and Iā€™d be too scared this would cause a false pos.

    When I retire though this and Onnitā€™s alpha brain are going to be daily supplements. I keep a bottle at the house and one in the truck. Alpha brain is impressive stuff and itā€™s cheap.

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