After 8 years, cannabis oil still working as relief for Central Georgia girl's seizures

Back in 2014, Haleigh would have as many as 200 seizures a day. At 4-and-a-half years old, doctors told Janea her daughter …


  1. Honestly, all the greedy doctors at big pharma and the people responsible in government should be jailed for banning cannabis years ago….Also, this little girl's life is better, she does not look like that because of cannabis, but rather the lack of it when she needed it.

  2. Hard to believe that a government can become so corrupt that it can convince people that a plant made by God is a drug and of the devil. Cannabis is illegal because it’s a direct competition with the pharmaceutical and other companies.

  3. Except if she still lived in Georgia she would have to risk being arrested to get her little girl medicine. She literally had to move to get medicine bc our politicians are morons.

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