Grand Mal Seizure Video // We Adjusted Her VNS!

This is a grand mal seizure video. Raelynn usually has around 2 or 3 grand mal (tonic-clonic) seizures every day, in addition to …


  1. Living with the disorder is difficult, at any age. I hope that her neurologist can find a medication or a combination of medications that will help control them. I've had epilepsy for 22 years. I hope hers get under control as she gets older. โค

  2. Did raylyn lose her ability to speak because of her seizures, or would she have them nomatter what else she has? I'm sorry I'm not trying to be disrespectful.

  3. very dificult for those folks who have seizures. I pray and hope that these folks will be free from their seizures. I have watched films and many fictional things in which a character got seizures. Thi weakens their brain and also it got me frightened. I have no fear of death but have fear of watching somebody having seizures if suddenly triggered.

  4. Just came across your channel and my heart goes out to Raelynn and your beautiful family. My little girl has just started experiencing seizures. Your doing a great job dad and your videos are helpful, educational, and it makes me realize Iโ€™m not alone. Take care beautiful girl and your family.

  5. what a beautiful walk youโ€™re such an amazing daddy no one has the right to judge they havenโ€™t walked your mile love your videos thanks for sharing in the ten commandments thall shall not judge and love your neighbour another great video

  6. Wow. You guys take me.back 15 years. To when I used to take care of children on vents at home. Made me miss it all the more!! But there was one child that reminded me of your daughter I'm not sure what her diagnosis is. But I do know the child I cared for had spinal meningitis… the same year my son did. There had been an epidemic that year and my son was at.the beginning and the child I took care of was at the end of epidemic. And the my son was very lucky came out perfect unscathed . Keep up the awesome work ! And your positive smiles ! For this beautiful lady! And dont worry about this people that are neg. ..everything in thier lives probably isnt happy and that's how bullies are try to make others like them.. also I had another young boy who had a baclofen pump. Not sure if something like this could be a possibility for her… could help her contractures as well But.again I love that you took me back to a wonderful time in my life where I had the honor of caring for childrena on vents in thier homes ! !I'll be.watching more of your videos on the days and weeks to come. Bless ya alll and stay positive!!!

  7. Iv never seen anyvidio on this family where the kid walks on there own. I am new to the Chanelle, but this appears to be ms with epilepsy.
    All the people iv met with epilepsy are not wheelchair bound. I will read the discription and look at some other videos, iv never seen this type siezure before where somebody is wheelchair bound and haz siezure. Everybody always told me it's ms, but now I know more. God bless and thank you for posting. Be well.

  8. I completely agree with everything that you said โค๏ธ and for certain people to criticize you ๐Ÿ˜”it angers me ๐Ÿ˜ก not to mention that my sister goes through the same thing because my three year old nephew has a disability and he is non verbal ๐Ÿ˜” but you will always have my support for raelynn ๐Ÿ™ and your channel is very helpful for me ๐Ÿ™ I have seizures everyday ๐Ÿ˜ญ and I'm so proud of how tough raelynn is ๐Ÿ™ love you guys โค๏ธ

  9. I'm so sorry you have to go through this with your babygirl. May you have the strength and the confidence to take care of all her needs. God Bless my brother. I hope you get EVERYTHING you all need!!

  10. If you feel like criticising……erm DONT lol love that. I like straight to the point people. Can't understand anyone doing that with these hugely helpful educating, inspiring and many times fun videos too especially the games ones. Sorry you were in a bad way having seizures here but you are strong, a real trooper, Oh CBD CBD honestly it can be incredible stuff. The thing I find is. ( And I know this is fur baby not human but… a child with special needs a fur baby can not get the placebo effect if you will, so it's easy to see if something really does actually work! And in our case with his seizures most deffo! However the homeo med o bought called seizure pet is outstanding and has even stopped them mid way. I think they should do 'seizure human' drops too! The ingredients is literally insane …brain stem…..liver….vagus nerve extract I'm serious this stuff is crazy but amazing. I'm all for the natural ways as well as the conventional and for my child I would do the same. The regular CBD hemp does the same here, much more alert( sometimes too much so lol) much better mood ect. Love and light

  11. Beautiful walk for you and Raelynn ๐ŸŒž๐Ÿƒ Good advice, encouragement probably gets better results than criticism๐Ÿ‘ Glad Raelynnโ€™s VNS and CBD oil have had positive effects. The CBD effect is really interesting to hear about. Sweet dreams Raelynn, sheโ€™s so cute hugging her panda ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’™

  12. WHEN SHE HAVE A seziure SHE will GOING TO throw up how long SHE been having a seziure how long SHE been a disabled IN a โ™ฟSHE how OLD IS SHE roll her over THE IS funny making a sound HAVE HER ๐Ÿ’Š for a seizure crash SHE tried IT time for HER nap

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