Girls with Dogs S2, Ep 17 – Answering Questions About CBD Oil & Joint Supplements

girlswithdogs #podcast #cbdoil In this video, Kimberly (Keep the Tail Wagging) and Cathy (Groovy Goldendoodles) respond to an …


  1. The Pacific Ocean actually is salty. The amount varies by location, but salty none the less. Which is why dogs that go nuts drinking it have “issues”. Vomiting and/or diarrhea at the least, It can even lead to death.

  2. Hey Cathy! I just wanted to say that I use the Neugier shampoo mentioned here. I cannot speak to its effectiveness with skin issues since my dog does not have any. I use it because I have to bathe Riley more often than I'd like since he is doing therapy work and this shampoo does the least amount of damage to the skin and natural oils even with frequent washes. I like that it does not foam up like a car wash and I don't have to stress if I don't rinse it completely out. I haven't tried it yet but they also have a lotion that can be used as a "waterless" bath in between regular baths. It is expensive but the small bottle dilutes into five 30oz bottles and then one 30oz bottle lasts my 65# dog almost 3 baths. Keep in mind I probbaly use less shampoo than most but these are just freshen up baths. If my dog went swimming or got into the mud I might use more.

    Carrie Hyde of the SPAW turned me onto this product. Kimberly knows her. When I asked her for a shampoo to use frequently without harming the skin this is what she immediately recommended. She said there really were no alternatives for what I was asking for. Hopefully they can send you some as I'd love to see what youthought since you also frequently bathe the boys.

  3. Can I just add…i cannot thank you both enough for all that you share…i have learnt so much and feel I'm a better pet parent…my dog thanks y'all too🐶🤗❤️🇦🇺

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