CBD OIL – Folks, It's Not Marijuana

Heading to Nature’s Vitamins and Herbs and Sow True Seed. Thankfully my mom comes with me to help me out! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CLICK …


  1. I met Asheville back in the 1960s when I started reading Thomas Wolfe's great novels, such as Look Homeward, Angel. It's lots of fun scanning your old videos from 2016, Bri, though I watch all your 2020 ones nowadays.

  2. I met someone today who is involved with the WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT. She said her son had a brain injury. He uses CBD oil to manage his anger. She then said he uses CHARLOTTE'S WEB marijuana. P.S. we are in Colorado. It used to be so 'bad' but now that it is legal, it seems to me, no big deal. I haven't tried it yet though.

  3. Wait: How small could a town be if it's got a coffee shop? If you want SMALL, think Kentucky: 264 folks with a church, a post office, and a gas pump. Food and supplies? You'll need to go elsewhere for that. It's actually not even a town; it's more like a place name where one important road simply meets another important road. Coffee shop? Oh, you'll have to go to Lexington for that. I think Lexington has a coffee shop. At least it used to. Now THAT'S small.

    By the way, hemp farming used to be big in Kentucky, way, way back, but was killed off by the government when marijuana problems began. Now, it's beginning to make a comeback, thanks to efforts to revise the appropriate laws.

  4. Bri, Have you tried Raw Apple Cider Vinegar on your kids exama? Soak a cotton cloth in the vinegar and place on the effected areas for a few minutes. If the skin is raw it may sting a little but it works amazingly.

  5. Hemp and marijuana are closely related but different.
    My nausea and vomiting during pregnancy was so bad and Zofran was too expensive and not too helpful so they had me try hemp CBD oil. Sure helped with pain. Still was really nauseous though.
    No THC in mine at all.

  6. bri if you have wild plantain weed on your yard you can use this to clear up your family ecexema just crush it and mix with oil to make a salve or make tea

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