1. I tried this before but it didn't work. I didn't give it the consistency it needs. Then a week ago I started taking tsp four times a day: morning, noon, evening and before bed. This time I was consistent in using it. I didn't think to apply it to my skin; but now, seven days late I am now going to apply it in the morning and before bed–every square centimetre.
    After about four days my itch was under control. I do have to use it four times a day.
    Even by just imbibing it, my skin, even the hard knotty bits are healing.
    I got this damned disease or infection ten years ago, age 55. Why, I wonder?
    I've saved this site and will come back in a month or so to let you know how it is going. But honestly, after a week of imbibing only, (again, now applying it to my skin, every bit) I can't believe the improvement in lack of itch and improvement in healing.
    I hope mums see this and try it on their kiddies. Maybe mum's should also take it internally if they are breast feeing and their little one has sore skin.
    A little pricy, but cheaper than the prescriptions and creams one has to use.
    (My bottle says made from seeds only, and that is the best I have read.)
    Namaste and care,

  2. I changed my diet a lot when I went to college.
    I love hemp oil in my salads and take hemp capsules with my multi vitamin and ginkgo biloba. I need to try some of this other stuff. I do a few martial arts and the protein powder sounds awesome!

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