Is the Use of Medical Cannabis Biblical?

Hank Hanegraaff, the host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, answers David who wants to know if the medical use of cannabis …


  1. I'd much rather trust the God-created plant which countless say helped them through mental problems to physical ailments, than signing my life off to the man-made pill industry which transforms every single person it gets its claws on

  2. I'm absolutely against recreational use, but as a recovering heroin addict in a methadone maintenance program, I use cannabis twice during the day for appetite stimulation and once in the evening to help sleep. I have made quite a lot of progress having gone from constant smoking all day everyday, to only using a couple of times throughout the day and once at bedtime. I will continue to chip away at it and soon I only be using it for sleep.

  3. God has provided everything we need. When I get bug bites I use broadleaf plantain to treat the bites. I drink green tea for its antioxidant properties. Foods high in vitamin c to boost immune health when I'm sick. Ginger roots to settle an upset stomach. Lavender oil helps me relax at night. Bananas for potassium when I have muscle cramps. I don't see why marijuana would be so bad for treating other ailments. At least it's better than pumping your body full of habit-forming pharmaceuticals that essentially turn you into a mindless drone.

  4. I’m prescribed 8 medications for separate afflictions including opioids, lyrica, Valium etc…marijuana is excellent and instant medicine for stuff like anxiety, minor pain, intestinal pain ( nothing else even touches that pain for me but pot does for sure)
    I’m a professing Christian 💯 too. I struggle with answers to all of these questions. There are no grace churches here…Catholics or Calvinists so I’m not a church goer.

    God bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.🙏❤️‍🔥😀

  5. Marijuana Is a plant a seed yielding Herb God made Plants and Herbs with that said man created pills compounds made with chemicals. Now is for your choice. Do you trust God or do you trust Man?

  6. When considering what medication is best it's not always about what's the strongest. It's gotta work and be safe. I think medical CBD maybe works without harmful long-term effects. Most medications have some negative side effects

  7. This was very fascinating.
    I can understand if you’re using for medical uses for fine but if recreational or just to get high it’s definitely sinful

  8. I believe the answers within our bodies…

    Have you studied the Endo cannabinoid system? All of the cannabinoids in the cannabis plant naturally bind to cb1 and cb2 receptors in our body.

    I believe this plant was made by God to use for medicinal purposes both small and large

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  10. If CBD cannabis (NOT “marijuana” – a man made name for it ) is a natural healing herb- and it IS – I would ,without any doubt or hesitation, use it and soak my intent in prayer and supplication above and beyond ANY consideration of man made “BIG PHARMA” drugs that are riveted with many adverse side effects. BIG PHARMA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTEREST IN MIND NOR DOES IT (or “they”) care about our health and well being. SORCERY ie pharmakeia, ie pharmacy, should NEVER be an alternative , ESPECIALLY for a blood bought follower of Yeshua ie YAHovah.

  11. People with mental health problems are using cannabis when they really need therapy. Our culture is much more accepting of physical illness than mental illness which is why people with mental illness are attempting to medicate with weed rather than see a psychotherapist for Cognitive or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I suffered from extremely painful chronic issues for years until I started therapy. Today my pain is completely gone, I don’t take or need any medication, and I believe Jesus has the power to heal trauma induced illness through therapy.

  12. I have COVID and babiii I hit the joint and my God I could get on my face and thank God for this Medicine he has provided AINT no way this a sin!!!! I been taking ibuprofen antibiotics and nothing has given me strength like this cannabis!! I’m not even high I just feel better overall!!!

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