Autoimmune Issues and Mood Disorders | Counselor Continuing Education

Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Qualified Clinical Supervisor. She received her PhD in Mental …


  1. I always have an elevated white blood cell count without being sick. I don't know what can be causing that. When I experience high stress, I will get body aches. I got tested for auto immune last year but nothing was found. I suspect there's something going on. Dr. Snipes is great at explaining and is very knowledgeable.

  2. I would advise that instead of using the term "Them" in instructing potential clinicians and clinicians, that we don't refer to the patient as " them". Instead of using the word "them", I think we should use the word patient; a patient who is suffering. To say "them" , is like to say " Over there but not right here, somewhere over there . I know you don't mean it but it's dismissive of the patient to be honest.

  3. I have spondilitis and ive called lazy so many times…it really takes a toll on your emotions. "Why do you rest so much?" "Ugh why youre always tired'. I dont feel guilty anymore. I remove such people from my life

  4. Good evening or good morning doctor I want to ask you do you know or are you aware of my State's University's program? This program allows more accessible access to lectures given by clinicians and professors. This program is meant to expand the ability for the University to reach further in their educating of our people in this country. So, it uses the platform of YouTube and its new is very very new. If I were you I would look into it because it could really help you reach an even broader audience and especially on an academic level. Which is the most important! Let me know if you're interested and I'll get all the details for you. Cuz I think it would be great to take you as one of my professors at the University during the summer courses. Oh I'm sorry I knew University I'm referring to is ASU

  5. I really appreciate the way that you break this all down. I am not a therapist, I have mental health issues and two autoimmune conditions and after 20 plus years, I am finally understanding how these conditions interact and how I can help myself in the long run. Thank you so much for taking the time to break it down for therapists, I know that my therapist is watching these now too.

  6. If you're NOT a goddess, Doc. Snipes, I don't know who is (with your look today)! Thank you for this video as it is applicable to me today. (I am talking, of course, about your spiritual identity.)

  7. A question or 3 from the point of view of a sufferer (ME!): Will my eczema improve if I get over my ACE induced CPTSD? Will I be stuck in survival mode with an itchy scalp forever? I am 50, will the rest of my life be about managing symptoms or is there hope of overcoming this?

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