Waylon Jennings – I've Always Been Crazy

I’ve always been crazy and the trouble that it’s put me through I’ve been busted for things that I did, and I didn’t do I can’t say I’m …


  1. Eight years and 12 comments. I've known the words to this Man's song since the 70's. This is among my favorites. I just YouTube it to send to a Lady friend of mine. I'm asking God for her to understand. I'm a former meth addict. I got clean and 121 days later I fell 30' landing headfirst on concrete while painting a house for the company I owned and operated. The fall wasn't bad but the sudden stop at the end wasn't good 🤣😂😅😇 our Heavenly Father used the doctors and nurses to put this humpty dumpty together again. The 1st surgery was to restructure my sinuses because snot in the brain is most likely lethal. My forehead was crushed into the left frontal lobe of my brain. I'm told they used a microscopic vacuum to remove fragments. I had 18 bones broken on the left side of my face and my left optical nerve was severed. I had 3 brain surgeries last a total of 28hrs. I'm told the 1st was the longest at 12 hours. I also had a few reconstructive surgeries to my forehead and face. I have a replacement left elbow and plates on my right wrist and forehead. I'm truly hard headed now🤣 I always feel lighter when I find humor in the redemption Jesus has given me. I believe Jesus appreciates humor in "makin' the best in a bad situation" ESPECIALLY when the sinner walks from the sins that have befallen him. I'm still a fool that troubles myself to some extent most days. "Woe is me" as Willie sings. My brain don't think like it used to. I'm not the same person I was before. I was a college scholarship athlete in track and field. I set records in Jr high, high school, and college. I became a 5th grade teacher and high-school coach for eight years. I painted barns and grain bins during the summer. A teacher can't afford to golf and fish during the 3 months off. Ok, I'll stop now. However, I'm still crazy and Jesus is the reason I'm not insane. Don't ya just live the almost delayed bass drum? Remember, Jesus Loves us all the same.

  2. Holy Cow. Love this song. Never heard this man before. Is that a Fender? Well his words fit my reality very well. I play classical guitar, have I missed it? No, I could never do this anyway. Glad I found him.

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