Say Goodbye to Tinnitus: Stop Ringing in the Ears in Just 30 Seconds

Learn how to stop tinnitus fast using this super simple technique! More Tinnitus Video: ▶️ DATA: …


  1. I have it in both ears it’s a loud roar in my left and a medium pitch wirring sound in my right. This exercise could be promising for me. It seemed to slightly decrease in my right ear. Praying it works.

  2. Dr B. I have had chronic tinnitus constantly for four year's now. It has ruined my life completely. I hardly sleep I have all sorts of horrific sound's hissing very high pitched sound that I honestly can't even explain into word's. I also have clicking popping sounds. Sometimes I literally can't function because of it unable to consentrate or think clearly. I also have collapsed eustation tube in my right ear the pressure is at times so great I go into melt down mode. I have tried your technic & many others also. But nothing works. Do you have any other ideas I might be able to try. Thankyou.

  3. Cold water showers shocks the central nervouse system to qnyone with tinnitus, stress, or depression, or any mental health this is a great idea you need to stick at it and the magic will change your life it started for me from day 1 but they recomend 10 days to start feeling the changes and now i start my day with 3 min cold water shower and its great its a life changing thing please do it

  4. I developed tinnitus after having been in the hospital from Covid it was a very stressful time as my 30 old daughter with Down syndrome was also in the hospital on the vent for 6 days we didn’t know if she would make it but by the grace of God she did. Anyway the tinnitus is very debilitating so I will definitely try this and report back thank you so much. 😊

  5. I've had LOUD ringing in both ears for decades. They are at different pitches and I get "feedback" in the middle of my head. The left ear is a higher pitch than the left. The ringing never stops, ever. If it did stop, I'd think I was dead. The ringing actually drowns out people talking softly. Your technique did nothing. I remained at a 10 before and after multiple rounds. It is always a 10. I will try the Benfotiamine to see if it helps. You mentioned problems in the hands and feet. Not sure it is related or not but my hands and feet have tingled for decades, but I do have a damaged spine, multiple spinal surgeries and nerve damage, so it is probably from that. Thanks anyway!

  6. It started as an 8 and after the tapping method there was zero change. Nothing. I actually felt like a fool for believing simple tapping behind my head could put an end to my torture. Set the bar low people.

  7. Mine was about a solid 7 just now, never seen this video until this very moment.
    Tried this, maybe at a 4-5 now.
    Going to try again. It seems like the highest pitch is somewhat “relieved”?
    Which is the worst for me. (Left ear only)

  8. This is a blessing. Thank you in every way possible. I developed loud tinnitus in both ears with a traumatic brain injury that devastated my life. Almost 20 years I’ve been living in this hell. Never ending noise in my head that I can hear in my ears has been my norm. Nothing I tried has ever made a difference BUT your technique works and it didn’t cost me a dime. YOU sir are a blessing! Thank you!

  9. Yeah… I have neurological damage I have like 15 different tones 2 are really loud. I’ve tried this nothing helps. Im not taking about hearing ringing when it’s quiet.. I can’t even hear people over it sometimes.

  10. OMG! I sustained a brain injury in 2004 when a whole case of water bottles fell on my head because an employee caused it case to fall. I have had loud ringing in my ears ever since. It is now March 2023, I tried your technique, only using a few taps because I’m running late, and I immediately had a notable change in my right ear!!! 😢 I can’t wait to do the whole exercise. My right ear changed from a 10 to a 7. I will continue this exercise and report my improvement……. This is unbelievable!!!!!!

  11. Thank you so much!
    I was at a 5 from standing in front of a 100 watt Marshall guitar amp for years. Now I'm at a 1 after the first session. I just hope it lasts. Thank You!
    I love your explanation in layman's terms on all of your videos.

  12. I have been suffering with this for around 5 years now and its getting worse as time goes by, as in getting louder, I started too worry a few weeks back after going through a flu style illness my tinitus changed from a whistling to a more of like a helicopter noise going inside my ears, it was horrible constant all day long as if a fly was flapping his wings inside my ear canal, since trying out this method for the past few weeks thank heavens the helicopter noise has gone and now back too whistling and its a fair bit quieter than it use too be so thank you . Finally my original sound has been a 9 and after doing these techniques I have dropped too a 4 to 5

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