Contrary to Popular Belief, CBD Makes Marijuana Stronger

The second most important compound in cannabis is cannabidiol (CBD), and most people will tell you that CBD is the gentle Yin …


  1. I question why you are only interested in getting high.
    Why didn't you choose a study of CBD effects on the body other than getting high?

  2. 1: …. i… i cannot even process the amount of ratio disparity. i fail to see how this would produce results that are valid.
    also i can not be the only one going "wait, why didn't they test ONLY cbd? why did it have to be a mix? sure a mix is fine to test but why not include one with JUST cbd?"
    this is easily one of the 3 worst designed studies i've ever seen.
    who came up with this? a grad student?

    2: correct me if i'm wrong but i seem to recall it being a peer reviewed fact that the overwhelming majority of thc (& i'd posit thus also cbd)'s effects are psychological?
    i've lost count the amount of times i've been called retarded/worse for stating this.
    if this fact is still accepted as it was a few years ago when i last read that paper…
    then the entire field of research into any and all of the effects should be taken a LOT more carefully and not… gestures this.
    how can you test the effects of these compounds when the generation you're testing it on grew up watching those "don't smoke reefer. you'll unload a shotgun in your mouth for giggles" bs, scaremongering, tall tales, outright lies and idiot thugs telling you "nah man, this makes you do X and Y".
    your entire pool of subjects is tainted.

    3: i am of the opinion that cbd does indeed posses the potential to be the "yin to the yang" 'in a way'
    they're both psycho-active compounds and i can personally (anacdotaly..) attest to the lessen anxiety bit.
    started using cbd without prior knowledge of it's supposed effects on anxiety and it helped.
    so that rules out confirmation bias & "it does what you think it will do" effects. i just tested it blindly.
    that said….
    i can't believe i need to point this out.
    20mg of 1 psycho-active compound that is believed to inflate/cause anxiety (by affecting what part of the brain.. ? hint hint)
    640mg (!!) of another compound that is believed to lessen anxiety (by affecting… that same part?)
    there's such a thing as overdoing it. especially when it comes to brain chemistry.

    Lemme put it like this:
    you drink 2 cups of coffee.
    then 20 shots of (the depressant) vodka.
    and you find lo and behold that the subject appears to be more energetic and active.
    What conclusion do you think this study's author would make?

    MY conclusion is:
    "this study is flawed to the core. in more ways then i have time or energy to explain.
    altho thanks for informing me that throwing in cbd makes for a 'higher high' apparently?"

    someone who devoured medical papers for 18 months before i first inhaled a decade ago.

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