Should LTT Store Sell CBD Gummies?

Youtube rescinds their harsher profanity policy – Bonus: Linus nearly gets himself Turbo-Cancelled. Watch the full WAN Show: …


  1. CBD is modern day snake oil but I don’t care if people use it. If you believe whole heartedly it works then it may work. I think it’s better than all those dumb powders that other YouTubers are pushing. I mean no one will get people think CBD is all the nutrition they need. Don’t over pay for powered food. Real food is cheaper and better.

  2. Whey powder (purest form) has DOUBLED in price since late 2020. I wonder if that is because of increased manufacturing costs or have they just raised their margins?

  3. I have a firm issue with "supplements" in general. No firm testing to prove or disprove claims. Most of the vitamins and whatnot are more than your body needs so you're just paying a premium for them to provide little to no benefit.

    Also it's borderline going down the route of horrible people like Alex Jones.

    Lastly if anything you sell does make claims, you're going to have to deal with people asking for a refund because it didn't "give them wings" or whatever.

    I'm down to check out LTT snacks though! That could prove interesting

  4. Specialize in food completely or stay out totally. The liability is too great to risk all the other things LTT is. AND because LLT is large and successful people will attempt to attack a vulnerability and a food product would be the easiest thing to exploit with litigation.

  5. I'd be very careful of it, if only because it's a controlled substance (like alcohol) and I could only imagine the tangle of legal paperwork and precautions associated.

  6. CBD is still illegal in many countries, especially since most forms of CBD also contain the THC that makes you high, so yeah, probably a good idea to not touch them

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