1. I am allergic to almost all drugs, and I can't even get near the smell of it. It makes me deathly ill. I have only smelled it twice. One time our local Police Station was burning a mound of it next to our business, and the other time was 2 or 3 weeks ago. I bought some clothes at a thrift store, and in the car, the smell was so strong it made me literally sick. That is my 2 experiences, needless to say, it is not something I could ever do.

  2. More savvy "$¢ientifi¢" name-calling, to top do¢ MASTURBATION seen on so many other channels recently: it's called flooding the place IMHO.

  3. ☮🕊 INFPs high on a happy vibe! I like what you said about THC/MJ and NE and I do think it's like NE to the power squared. Also I kind of think that NE is a bit like having a subtle form of synesthesia but on MJ etc – it's AMPED!

  4. As an INFP I was a full blown addict, it is very easy to be addicted to substance as an INFP… The best advice is to stay away from every Substance… Am free from addiction by the way

  5. I find THC and CBD to be enjoyable for me at a low dosage. There are creative benefits and the critical voice (if i'm in a good head space) is quieted. I wonder if Assertive INFPs naturally feel that way? 🤣Anyways, like most things, moderation is key 👌

  6. I think CBD oil while expensive is very healing and beneficial for nervous disorders, without interfering with life's responsibilities. THC I believe in moderation and never exceeding other priorities, but of course, easy to say and hard to maintain for some. 🙂

  7. Awesome video, everything on the positive reasons is why I use cannabis as an infp, Im in a wheelchair so I deal with swelling and aches throughout and cannabis helps me relax when the anxiety is active and I feel more creative cause I don't think of what others thing I just do and im more satisfied with the activity im doing.

  8. HI Brendon, I am following you and its just really amazing to learn about infp from you. you are very intellectual and very interesting. This video is also helpful. Thanks for such content. thanks alot

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