1. And Shapiro is crazy for wanting to implement a 20 percent sales tax on recreational marijuana does he not realize that the high taxes states are implementing on recreational marijuana is helping the black market continue to thrive Maryland is the only state that will get it right with only a 6 percent sales tax the problem is these states are trying to rob people for a plant how about a 50 percent sales tax on alcohol and see how much alcohol you sale it will go back to the bootleg days these states are getting greedy when it comes to recreational marijuana

  2. Yes they should have to prove that you are impaired while driving because right now if you smoke a joint today go out get pulled over and they want to take a blood test 3 weeks after smoking the joint if it shows up in your blood then you will get a DUI in Pennsylvania which is false imprisonment because they have no proof of impairment at that point

  3. Same thing happened to me in Lycoming County. When you here my experience it will blow your mind . Same thing with medical card and I'm diagnosed with seizures that are controlled that's how I have a license. I had a seizure while driving ambulance came confirmed it when cops got there they asked where I was coming from I said dispensary gave them my license all of a sudden it turned into dui lost license did weeks in jail. Large fines and I wasn't impared all Marijuana was unopened out of reach of driver which is a rule

  4. As a medical cannabis patient, arresting ppl JUST for having the card is ridiculous, & PA needs to find a way to prove impairment like other states are doing. Because cannabis stays in your system so long, LONG after the effects have worn off, & there's a bunch of factors for how long it stays in your system, they need new roadside tests just for cannabis, & I heard one state is trying to develop a cannabis breathalyzer! I agree that NO ONE should be driving impaired, but I also think they need to be harder on prescription medications that impair your driving as well.

  5. Police department desperate for cash funding and need arrests that's all this is. A big joke for the police to profit off of. But at the same time when you walk into that dispensary think about where your money is going. THE STATE. don't like getting arrested! Stop funding them !

  6. Here's the thing. If you have a medical card they can arrest you for a DUI anytime they catch you driving because it stays in your system so long. Don't get one. You'll get in less trouble for having weed than a DUI.

  7. I don't believe what MADD PR says. It's a CONSERVATIVE GROUP that is SEARCHING FOR RELEVANCE since DUI is down. Just another BLOATED CONSERVATIVE SCAM to BACK DOOR Marijuana regulation when LACK OF SLEEP and PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION is MORE INDICATIVE of VEHICLE ACCIDENTS. And their is NO DATA AT ALL that MARIJUANA is a problem for VEHICLE ACCIDENTS. Institutions LIKE MADD and the SO CALLED Justice System are LOOKING FOR A PAYDAY.

  8. If she's telling the truth this is very sketchy, I drive a towtruck and work with the police and everyone I talk to has told me unless someone is visibly impaired they don't even ask which is blatantly obvious but whatever I say ALL drugs should be legal but thats just my opinion 🤷‍♂️

  9. I have a question. Is Pennsylvania a state with a for profit prison system? If so that answers that question. Also that law is ridiculously unconstitutional. its a presumption of guilt without evidence. The states job is to prove your guilt, a card is evidence of nothing. They better pass that new law or face a Constitutional challenge. Just get real and legalize it and tax it. The state will make way more money.

  10. Having a Medical Marijuana🪪Card is a ' DOUBLE EDGE⚔️SWORD !'
    Gives the Ability to Buy Marijuana but the 'Flipside' IS YOUR TELLING ON YOURSELF ! ( a BLOOM/TAG !)
    +PLUS !!!
    The ' Tax Payer! ' Paid💵Money💵
    (' TAXES ') to the
    'The Taxer'🏛️(Govmnt!) for the
    So Called📝Privledge=(Over-Lay!)
    So the 'Taxer'🏛️(Govmt!)
    turns around and 'USES !' Those
    SAME TAXES💵PAID ! to the 'Taxer'🏛️(Govmnt)
    IS USED AGAINST the 'TaxPayer'
    to BE CHARGED with a CRIME🚨!!!
    And !!!🤪! WAAALAAA !🤪!!!
    The 'TAXER!' ( Govnmt!) PUNISHES
    or in other words 'COLLECTS !'
    USD=DOLLARS of Your+earned income leftover-Use as-You-Want-Earned💵MONIES
    Its Called ! DOUBLE💵DIPPING !!!
    Pay💵Income Tax !
    Taxable💵Purchases !
    Taxes💵Fees for Licenses/ID's
    !!! Then !!!
    Collects taxes for a So-Called Crime One has Paid for to Have the so-called Privledge to for & have…after paying💵Taxes !!!
    Double+Triple+Quadiple Dipping !!!
    This CONCLUDES – TAXES 101
    🥸Thank You Students !!!
    Smoke🌱Weed Everyday !!!
    Funny thing IS ! Colored people are serving Jail/Prison time/crimes while White People are Making and Gaining Great Financial Wealth Growing/Selling/Distributing/Sales
    from MARIJUANA USERS !!!

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