Ask Me Anything: VA Claims and Veteran Benefits (Episode 9)

A very powerful testimony about Military Sexual Trauma (MST), PTSD, and VA Disability Claims. Facebook Group: Facebook …


  1. The shock of how widespread this is in the military is always shakes me to the core or how one soldier can do this to another with zero remorse. Unfortunately, this I've walked this dark road but glad I was able to get help.

  2. I am service connected for lower back strain 20% left Siatica 10%. Can I still file for radiculapathy or will I be pyramid if Iā€™m stating pain numbness shooting down right and left leg.

  3. Good presentation. I am sorry for your experiences and applaud your success in seeking appropriate compensation for your conditions. MST is an historical event, not a diagnosis. Just like a car crash. It happened. The issue is: what are the residuals? In your case: PTSD. And the symptoms which flow from them. Congratulations on your VA wins and where you have come from then! Good job!

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