1. A lot is lost without the visual portion. Throughout the set, Richard (the wino) sips from an imaginary bottle. As he delivers the last line, claiming he knows how to deal with "the white man," and claiming that it's how he got into the position he's in today, he again sips from bottle.

    It's difficult to comprehend it today but, during that time, much of the humor (even the clean material) was based on drugs and alcohol, much like the music was. Today, views have changed, and it's rare to hear jokes like these from comedians. Now, it's mostly about sex.

  2. Biggie was referencing Richard Pryor (comedian) who said in his bit from “The Wino & The Junkie” Where he says “Bitch was so fine I wanted to suck her daddy’s dick! “

  3. I remember listening to Richard Pryor's album when I was a kid, around 11 years old. recently saw a fool speeding down my street, I thought about Richards words of wisdom. Slow down This is a neighborhood this ain't no residential district. I'm pretty close to his words. Not gonna copy word for word. Thanks for all the laughs Mr. Pryor.

  4. I lived this every day in the 1960s Harlem. He had it down pat. My brother was a junkie, and that laugh Pryor did was how he laughed. I'm laughing now, but it wasn't funny then when you had to walk through the pimps, prostitutes, winos and junkies…every day.

  5. What funny about Richard is he is a great story teller, and has a great memory. All his characters are from people he met growing up poor and young with no Mom or Dad on the streets. Not necessarily funny at the time it was going on but when Richard relayed the story to ticket buyers it is classic!

  6. Pryor was seriously something special for the future of comedy, he was exactly what was needed and in 2021 I wish he was around today to teach these youngsters what's what.

  7. Richard was so fucking good..at the very end that’s really him talking about addiction.

    “Tell me those ol lies make me stop thinking about the truth…”

    Way he mixes pain and pleasure just like real life.
    There’s Richard and then there’s everyone else.
    The King

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