This Supplement Has GREAT PRE-WORKOUT Potential | Mind Pump 2041

March Promotion: “Time-crunch Bundle” (MAPS 15 Minutes, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Prime + Eat for Performance eBook ALL for …


  1. So I’m having an aha moment because I have had MAPS Anabolic for about two years and this time I decided to run it backwards focusing on higher volume lower load and getting in 3 trigger sessions a week and wow what a difference I am pro trigger sessions going forward all day! I know they have said it many times and now I see what it does.. I wouldn’t be even close to the shape I’m in if not for your programs and podcast thank you guys for EVERYTHING!

  2. Love this, interesting 🤔 your insite is greatly appreciated,but it's a no for me on the edibles or cbc ,THC is a pass,once again very informative,Thank you mind pump is great💞

  3. Love this episode! Well, all of them! The G.O.A.Ts.

    I have an overweight/obese 11yr old step son 5'1 176 lbs. He's finally starting to show interest in losing weight. I just have him doing some compound exercises and hiit circuits. I want to start him on a MAPS program. I have 15, Resistance, Anabolic, performance, aesthetic. I'm aware I will have to alter the volume and etc for him. But which one should I start him on?

  4. Will changing up rest time help break through plateaus?
    Also, I continuously push my partner and newbie son to rest at least 45-60secs between sets. How does that affect their progress? They tend to just want to push through with little to no rest until they get burnt then rest for like a min.

  5. As always, super thankful for all that you guys do. Favorite part of this episode is when sal gives the tip of "teaching/learning how to bail out of a lift". I feel that things like this are easily overlooked. Boom! 💪🏽

  6. I used to say I could be happy living in a trailer with my husband. He made it his number one goal I stop saying that 😂 he went too far now I’m fancy 😂

  7. I'm so sad to have not heard about the mini-cut until now. I was on a lean bulk for the past 1 year and it was tough! Will incorporate it in my next bulk, after I cut

  8. Love all the information you guys provide, also about family life. About the downsides and upsides, but especially the funny parts of how the children grow and constantly learn new things. Can not wait until i someday get to experience it myself

  9. The mind body connection is real and so is the gut issues. I suffer from fibromyalgia and it’s been a long road. I went through a phase of pain that lasted 6 months. It’s not completely gone.. but I’ve been working on keeping it under control. Still learning on how else I can feel better. I’ve added steps, fresh air, increased water intake, workouts, sauna, vitamin D has been a huge game changer for me as well. I’ve also started using 🍃for stress and working on managing my anxiety as well. It’s such a process..

  10. I think for the study showing people that are happy and getting more happy up to 500,000 in salary are more happy because they have trained themselves to appreciate smaller things and can appreciate the difference in lifestyle change that comes with the incremental increase of money

  11. Great show guys!
    First time hearing about better results then you break out your workout into few smaller workouts throughout the day, definitely have to try this!
    Thanks guys✌️

  12. I asked a pediatrician once if Colic was as diagnosed as it once was, or has that diagnosis been overtaken with a reflux diagnosis. He said true Colic isn't that common anymore, more than likely its reflux. Both my boys had reflux as babies.

  13. My brother needs to smoke before he works out. He says it helps him “lock in” and have a better workout. I smoke at night to relax and go to sleep, it’s helped with my anxiety so much.

  14. You guys – I just started maps prime and symmetry, and I’m excited to hop on this cut for the first time ever. The content and instruction you provide is amazing. I can’t wait to cut down for my physique, then transition into powerlifting! Want to compete within the next 3 years. Thank you guys for the confidence you give us

  15. I'm a huge fan of Mind Pump, and have been following Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps since 2015. Also a huge fan of Dr. John Delony, so I get excited when I hear Adam talk about Ramsey & Delony topics!

  16. Y'all probably talked about this before, I have never really lifted weights in a gym. Where does a beginner start. And how often should you increase weight. I increase 5lbs a week. I started a month ago and now I'm almost to 50lbs on chest press and row. Am I going too fast or too slow

  17. Love listening to you guys when I'm working out! 🎉 this made me think of a story of my daughter where she told us her aunt was pretty, and we asked her about her uncle and she said no he's fat 😂

  18. With cbd before workout, dose is important. Also strain of hemp can make a difference. If you vape a more energetic/focus cbd bud it'll help greatly especially if you're trying to cut back on caffeine.

  19. Regarding protein, how much can the body absorb at a time? Is it a waste to eat a 30g protein breakfast along with a 25g protein shake? Or double scooping protein shakes to make 50g of protein? You guys are awesome so happy I started following you guys

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